Use the Graduate Outcomes Ribbon
The GO Commands ribbon contains the following function buttons.
These buttons are described in the following table
This button | Does this... |
Match |
Matches fields chosen in the (select) column. Refer to Match imported data to existing ebs records for further information. This option is greyed out until a row is selected in the (select) column. |
Match Settings |
Manages the fields included in the matching process. Refer to Manage data match settings for further information. This option is greyed out until a row is selected in the (select) column. |
Output | Creates an XML (Extensible Markup Language) output file. Refer to Output matched data to a local file for further information. |
Delete | This button is currently unused but is intended for future use. |
Go To | Allows you to navigate to a module chosen from the drop-down list, for the selected learner. |
Funding Year | Allows you to choose a specific funding year or display all information. |
Open File | Allows you to browse for an import file, supplied by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). Refer to Import a Graduate Outcomes data file for further information. |
Select All | Selects all available rows in the (select) column. |
Deselect All | Deselects all available rows in the (select) column. |
HESA SA Output | Allows you to output HESA Student Alternative data by funding year. |