Tribal Toolbox Activities
Note: Use caution when building or editing a workflow. For further advice or to arrange training, contact your professional services consultant.
The Tribal Toolbox includes activities associated with Tribal applications and databases that can be included in workflows.
Note: Refer to Use Workflow Activities for further information.
Tribal Toolbox activities:

The activities available in the Tribal Generic group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
AddSQLCommmandParameter | Adds a Structured Query Language (SQL) command parameter. |
AddStringFormatParameter | Adds a String.Format parameter. |
AuditActivity | Outputs a specific activity. |
Configuration Activity | Adds configuration values. |
CreateEmailAttachmentActivity | Adds an attachment to an email. |
CreateFolderActivity | Creates a Windows file folder at the specified location. |
DataRowGetValue |
Retrieves specific table information. Note: Refer to the DataRowGetValue activity description for more information. |
DeleteFileActivity | Deletes a specific file. |
DeleteFolderActivity | Deletes a specific folder. |
EmailAttachmentBuilderActivity | Adds multiple attachments to an email. |
ICalMessageActivity | Adds a calendar activity, with the specified parameters. |
LoggingActivity | Adds the specified value to the Debug, Error, Info, or Ward log. |
RaiseWorkflowRequestActivity | Adds an event to the workflow |
SendEmailActivity |
Sends an email (for example: to distribute configuration information). Note: Refer to the SendEmailActivity description for more information. |
SQLCommandActivity | Adds a SQL command to the workflow. |
SQLQueryActivity |
Runs a SQL select statement that can be used to run a query. Note: Refer to SQLQueryActivity description for more information. |
StringFormat | Outputs specified text from the workflow. |
TrackingMessageActivity | Adds a tracking message to the workflow. |
TypeConvertorActivity | Converts specified values from one type to another. |
WorkflowMessageActivity |
Outputs a message from your workflow. Note: Refer to the WorkflowMessageActivity description for more information. |
WorkflowTrackingCleanUpActivity |
Purges tracking data associated with the workflow after a specified number of days have past. Note: Refer to the WorkflowTrackingCleanUpActivity description for more information. |
WorkflowWarningMessageActivity | Outputs a message from the workflow when a specified value is met. |

The activities available in the A2C Exams group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
PingAwardingOrganisations | Pings the awarding organisations. |
ProcessIncomingExamMessages | Processes incoming A2C exam messages. |
PullMessagesFromAwardingOrganisations | Pulls A2C messages from awarding organisations. |
PushMessagesToAwardingOrganisations | Pushes A2C messages to awarding organisations. |

The activities available in the Applications/Enrolments group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
ChangesApplicationProgressCode | Changes an application's progress code. |
ChangeEnrolmentProgressCode | Changes an enrolment's progress code. |
ChangeUnpaidBasketEnrolments | Changes the enrolment status to one defined in the institution setting. |
CheckAndSetAutoCompletion | Checks and sets the auto completion flag for linked enrolments. |
CheckRequiredFeesPaid | Checks required fees have been paid. |
CreateInterviewEvent | Creates a new Interview event for an application. |
DeleteEnrolments | Attempts to delete the specified enrolments. |
DeleteUrlsFromBlobs | Deletes any Uniform Resource Locator (URL) from blobs based on the domain specified for a specified time period. |
DeterminePeopleUnitsList | Gets a list of people unit IDs. |
GetApplication | Gets an application. |
GetChildEnrolments | Returns a list of child enrolments. |
GetEnrolKeyInfo | Gets key information about an enrolment. |
GetEnrolment | Gets an enrolment. |
GetEnrolmentByFeeIds | Gets an enrolments by fee ID. |
GetExpiredAdmissionEnrolments | Returns a list of enrolments that have passed a specified time frame which is set by the Idle Transaction Time (mins) institution setting that have been created via admissions portal, and not updated since. |
GetExpiredBasketEnrolments | Returns a list of enrolments that have passed a specified time frame which is set by the Idle Transaction Time (mins) institution setting that have been created via learner portal, and not updated since. |
GetFeesForEnrolments | Gets all fees for the given enrolment. This includes fees on the parent course, and any child units and so on. |
GetPendingOrInWaitingListPeopleOfEnrolment | Gets the people enrolled to an UIO, with pending or waiting list status. |
GetProgressWithPendingEnrolments | Gets people with pending enrolments. |
GetProgressCodeDataFromTypeName | Gets the details for a specified progress code type name (for example: 'ACTIVE'). |
HasParentEnrolment | Returns whether an enrolment has a parent. |
MarkECAFSubmitted | Marks ECAF Submitted and cascade ECAF Submitted fields to child UIOs. |
NSWSGroupSync | Gets a list of people who's groups (for example: Scholastic Year, House, Religious instruction group and Roll Class) need updating. |
PublishAssessmentsForAttainment | Sends a PublishPersonDetails notification to UIS. |
SendInterviewAppointmentEmail | Sends an interview appointment. |
SyncPeopleGroupsForPerson | Synchronise people groups (for example: Scholastic Year, House, Religious instruction group and Roll Class) for a single learner from latest enrolments. |
TransferUnpaidFeeBalancesToVetFeeHelpLoans | Transfers unpaid fee balances to Vet Fee Help Loans. |
WithdrawFromUnitAttainments | Withdraws from a unit attainment. |

The activities available in the Awards group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
AutoCompleteAwards_CreateAwards | Saves award rules pass or fail data and creates awards as required. |
AutoCompleteAwards_ProcessEnrolment | Processes the enrolment, for a people unit id, with the awards engine. |
AutoCompleteAwards_VerifyEnrolment | Verifies that an enrolment is ready for awards rule processing by checking that it contains no ungraded attainments that contribute to the award. |
AutoCompletion | Runs the awards rules engine for all learners with auto completion flag set. Creates their awards if required. |
EnrolmentRulesEngineExecutor | Runs the awards rules engine for a specified enrolment returning if passed or not. |
GetOutcomeDateConferred | Gets the date conferred to use when granting outcomes. |

The activities available in the Campaign Management group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
ArchiveCampaignTargetDetails | Archives campaign target details. |
ArchiveFiredRules | Archives fired rules. |
CreateCall | Creates a Campaign Management call. |
CreateConversation | Creates a Campaign Management conversation. |
GetCampaignTarget | Gets a Campaign Management target. |
GetCampaignTargets | Gets Campaign Management targets. |
GetCampaignTemplate | Gets a Campaign Management template. |
InsertWorkList | Inserts a Campaign Management work-list item. |
PopulateEmailTemplate | Gets a Campaign Management target. |
UpdateCampaignProgress | Updates the progress of a campaign. |
UpdateCampaignStatus | Updates the status of a campaign. |
UpdateCampaignTargetStatus | Updates the status of a campaign target. |

The activities available in the CDR Returns group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
DataTransformation | Data Transformation. |
DeleteCDRSnapshot | Deletes a Consolidated Data Return (CDR) Snapshot. |
DeleteErrorLogs | Deletes CDR error logs. |
Notification | Adds a notification. |
Output | Generates the CDR file. Specifies the academic year to fetch data for and the CD snapshot(s) to return. CDR can be loaded from the database or from a CDRSnapshot argument. |
PrepareValidator | Prepares the validator. |
ProcessValidation | Processes errors. |
SaveErrors | Saves errors. |
SaveSnapshot | Saves a snapshot . |

The activities available in the Communication group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
Buzz | Sends an engage message. |
GetEmailTemplate | Gets an email template. |
LogCommunications |
Records communications within ebs when included in a sequence activity after SendEmailActivity. Note: Refer to the LogCommunications activity description for more information. |
PrepareSuspensionOrExpulsionEmail | Prepares school suspension or expulsion email. |
SendEmail |
Sends an email. Note: Refer to the SendEmail activity description for more information. |
SendPersonEmail | Sends an email to a person. |
SendSms |
Sends an SMS (Short Message Service) message. Note: Refer to the SendSms activity description for more information. |
UpdateCommunicationByBlobld | Updates a communication identified by its blob ID. |

The activities available in the Contact Management group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
GetOwnerForEntityTypeAndStatus | Gets the Contact Management owner. |
InsertContactManagementTask | Inserts a Contact Management task. |
SetConversationOwner | Sets the conversation owner. |

The activities available in the Correspondence group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
FetchDocumentMessages | Fetches document messages for the specified batch ID. |
GetBatchAttachments | Gets attachments for the specified batch ID. |
GetDocumentTemplateAttchments | Gets document template attachments. |
GetGeneratedCorrespondenceAsAttachment | Gets generated correspondence attachments. |
SendCorrespondence | Sends correspondence. |
BuildTemplateParametersList | Gets a list of parameters to use when generating correspondence. |

The activities available in the Curriculum group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
BlockBookingCleanup | Removes any block bookings that remain unassigned beyond a specified number of days. |
CascadeNominalHours | Cascades the nominal hours for specific statuses. |
CheckCurriculumAwards | Checks if the Curriculum item has awards. |
GetLinkedUios | Gets child unit instance occurrences, optionally recurse deeper than one level. |
GetUIDataMarshaller | Gets a DataMarshaller with the details of a Unit Instance (UI). |
GetUIODataMarshaller | Gets a DataMarshaller with the details of a Unit Instance Occurrence (UIO). |
IsUIOSubsidised | Checks whether the UIO is subsidised by looking at the program stream. |
ValidateVSLApprovedStatus | Determines whether there is an active entry for the qualification code on a VSL approved list that is valid for the specified date. |

The activities available in the Curriculum Planner group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
GetPathwayData | Gets the pathway data for a Unit Instance Occurrence (UIO). |
RunCPWorkflow | Runs a child curriculum planning workflow. |
RunCPWorkflowAsync | Runs a child curriculum planning workflow asynchronously. |
SynchPlanFigures | Synchronises curriculum planning figures. |
SynchWorkflowProperties | Synchronises curriculum planning properties. |

The activities available in the Digital Signatures group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
UploadReport | Uploads a report to be signed and sends an email. |

The activities available in the Edge Integration group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
EdgeNotifyByQuery | Synchronises notifications to Edge for data returned from a query. |
EdgePagedSync | Synchronises batches of data to Edge |
EdgeSyncAndNotifyByIds | Synchronises notifications to Edge for an array of IDs. |
EdgeSyncByIds | Synchronises data to Edge for an array of IDs. |
EdgeSyncByQuery | Synchronises data to Edge for data returned from a query. |

The activities available in the EMA group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
ProcessAttendenceUpdate | Processes Education Maintenance Allowance (EMA) attendance updates. |
ProcessPendingPayments | Processes pending EMA payments. |
UploadPayment | Uploads EMA payments. |

The activities available in the Exams/Assessments group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
AutoCompleteAwards_CreateAwards | Saves award rules (for example: pass or fail) data and creates awards as required. |
AutoCompleteAwards_ProcessEnrolments | Processes the enrolment, for a people unit ID, with the awards engine. |
AutoCompleteAwards_VerifyEnrolment | Verifies that an enrolment is ready for awards rule processing checking that it contains no ungraded attainments that contribute to the award. |
GetAttainmentResult | Gets attainment results. |
GetEnrolmentExamEntries | Gets enrolment exam entries. |
GetEnrolmentWithdrawnNotification | Gets enrolment withdrawal notification. |
GetExamAministrators | Gets the list of all exam administrators. |

The activities available in the Fees/Payments group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
AutoSettleEftposTransactions | Automatically settles electronic funds transfer at point of sale (EFTPOS) transactions. |
AutoSettleEPaymentTransaction | Automatically settles ePayment transactions. |
BPAYFeeMatching | Inputs the external BPAY Notification ID to the workflow. |
BPAYNotification | BPAY Fee Matching. |
CanPrintReceipt | Takes a receipt number and returns a boolean of whether the receipt can be printed. |
CreateMatchFeesDataMarshallers | Creates match fees to receipt DataMarshallers. |
CreateReceiptHeaderDataMarshaller | Creates a receipt header DataMarshaller. |
FeeStatementGeneration | Generates a fee statement. |
GenerateInternalVOSRequests | Gets internal Studylink VOS requests. |
GetMandatoryNonInvoicedFees | Gets a list of mandatory fees that haven't been assigned an invoice run number. |
GetNonMandatoryNonInvoicedFees | Gets a list of non-mandatory fees that haven't been assigned an invoice run number. |
GetReceiptNumber | Takes a receiptIDs collection and returns a collection of receipt numbers. |
NotForBankingAutoSettleTransaction | Automatically settles Not for banking transactions. |
RefundAndRegenTppReceipt | Regenerates a TPP system receipt. |
SetFeesAsPrinted | Marks fees as printed from a CAN report perspective. |

The activities available in the General group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
AddDataValueToMarshaller | Creates a new data value and adds it to the DataMarshaller. |
AddMessageLogEntry | Adds a new entry into the Message_logs table. |
AddToDataMarshallerReader | Appends a row to a DataMarshallerReader. |
AddToDataMarshallers | Appends a DataMarshaller(s) to a DataMarshallers collection. |
AppendToStringBuilder | Appends a string to a string builder. |
AppendToStringList | Appends a string to a string list. |
Coalesce | Performs a COALESCE on the values passed in, returning the first non null or empty value . |
ConvertDataTableToDataMarshallerList | Converts a DataTable to a list of DataMarshallers. |
ConvertDataTableToGroupedMarshallerList'1 | Converts a DataTable to a list of DataMarshallers. |
ConvertDelimitedStringToList | Converts a delimited string into a List of values. |
ConvertStringToDateTime | Converts a string to DateTime. |
CopyFile | Copies a file. |
CreateDataMarshaller | Creates a new DataMarshaller. |
CreateDirectory | Creates a directory. |
CreateUpdateSearchString | Creates (or updates) a SearchString object. |
CreateWorkflowRequest | Raises a workflow request. |
CreateZip | Create a zip file. |
DataMarshallerPerformUpdate | Performs a Set.PerformUpdate on a DataMarshaller. |
DateAppearsInRecurringDatePattern | Determines whether a specified date appears in a recurring date pattern. |
DeleteDirectory | Deletes a directory (and optionally immediate files in that directory). |
DeleteFile | Deletes a file. |
DeleteFiles | deletes a pattern of files in a directory. |
DeleteRecords | Deletes records with the specified table, column name and value. |
DirectoryExists | Checks if a directory exists or not. |
ExcuteTransactionalSql | Executes an SQL statement in a transaction. |
FilterContexts | Filter a set of institution contexts that are using the base schedule. |
GenerateBatchedCSV | Generates batches of Comma Separated Values (CSV) strings for use in an insert / update query. |
GenerateReferralData | Generates referral data which can then be used in correspondence. |
GenericGetConfig | Gets a configuration setting. |
GenericGetDataMarshallerValue | Gets typed value from DataMarshaller. |
GetBlob | Gets a blob from the blobs table. |
GetCascadingOptions | Gets cascading option value. |
GetConfigurationSetting |
Gets a configuration setting. Note: Refer to the GetConfigurationSetting activity description for more information. |
GetConnectionString | Retrieves current connection string. |
GetContextDetails | Get the system context details by context id or context code. |
GetCurrentDate | Gets the current date. |
GetDataMarshallerValue |
Get a value from a DataMarshaller and checks for exists, null and empty data. Note: Refer to the GetDataMarshallerValue activity description for more information. |
GetInstitutionSetting | Get an institution setting from the database. |
GetInterfacePage | Retrieves data from an Interface identified by a ScreenName that has been defined in Designer, passing in a set of Key<->Value pairs. |
GetInterfacePageJson | Retrieves JSON data from an Interface identified by a ScreenName that has been defined in Designer, passing in a set of Key<->Value pairs. |
GetSequenceNumber | Gets a sequence number from the database. |
GetTemporyDirectoryPath | The path to the Windows temporary directory. |
GetVerifier | Gets Verifier Details. |
GetWebSetting | Gets a webconfig setting from the database. |
IterateOverDataReader | Iterates over a result set and instantiates a BaseDataEntity for each result row. It also executes a count so it can track the progress through the result set. |
IterateOverSQL | Iterates over a result set and instantiates a BaseDataEntity for each result row. It also executes a count so it can track the progress through the result set. |
LearnerAccountManagement | Creates a DEC user or reset DEC password. |
MatchRegEx | Matches a string against a given regular expression, returning true if they match. |
MessageLogEndBatch | Creates a new batch in the Message_logs table. |
MatchLogStartBatch | Creates a new batch in the Message_logs table. |
MoveBlobsFromDbToDisk |
Moves a blob record from the database to a folder location. Note: Refer to the MoveBlobsFromDbToDisk activity description for more information. |
PrintBureauExportAndAudit | Exports awards data extract to an xml file and records associated audit data. |
ProcessEmailTempalate | Processes an email template. |
PurgeMessageLogsForBatchType | Purges the Message_logs table of history entries for a particular batch type. |
RaiseIntegrationEvent | Creates and sends an integration workflow. |
SaveDataMarshallers | Saves the DataMarshallers. |
SaveTextToFile | Saves text string to a text file, assuming that the directory already exists. |
ScheduleTask | Creates a schedule in runtime to execute a workflow task. |
SendNotification | Sends a notification message to the UIS routing service. |
SendProgressTrackingMessage | Tracks the progress of an item within the workflow. |
SetDataMarshallerValue | Sets a column value in the DataMarshaller. |
SetEntityColumnValue | Perform a database table update. |
SmcXmlExportActivity | Exports SMC driven data to XML. |
WriteActionListEntry | Writes an action list entry. |

The activities available in the ILR Returns group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
ContinuingLearnerAims | Generates Individualised Learner Record (ILR) continuing learner records. |
Delete | Deletes ILR records. |
DisadvantageUplift | Recalculates disadvantage uplift factor for ILR records. |
Generate | Generates ILR records. |
Output | Outputs an ILR file. |
RecalculateFees | Recalculates fees for ILR records. |
RecalculatePlannedHours | Calculates Learner Planned Hours for ILR records. |
RepopulateProvider | Repopulates ILR Provider factors. |
ValidateOutput | Validates an ILR output file. |

The activities available in the Interfaces group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
CreateCSVFile | Creates a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file from an Structured Query Language (SQL) query defined in the Interfaces module. |

The activities available in the Invoices group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
GetFeesFromInvoice | Gets a list of fees from an invoice. |

The activities available in the LLWR Returns group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
CreateDeleteFiles | Creates delete files. |
Delete | Deletes Lifelong Learning Wales Record (LLWR) records. |
Generate | Generates LLWR records. |
ImportErrors | Imports LLWR errors. |
ImportUli | Imports ULI numbers. |
Output | Outputs the LLWR data return. |
OutputLearnersWithoutUli | Outputs learner records without ULI numbers. |
RecalculateFees | Recalculates fees for LLWR records. |
SetProvider | Sets LLWR Provider ID. |

The activities available in the LNAAT group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
AddLearnerAssessmentEnrolment | Adds a new learner assessment enrolment to the Literacy and Numeracy for Adults Assessment Tool (LNAAT) service. |
DeleteAssessment | Deletes an existing assessment for a specified learner from the LNAAT service. |
DownloadLearnerAssessments | Downloads a learner assessment from the LNAAT service. |
UpdateExistingAssessment | Updates an existing assessment to the LNAAT service. |
UploadChangedLearner | Uploads a changed learner to the LNAAT service. |
UploadNewAssessment | Uploads a new assessment to the LNAAT service. |
UploadNewLearner | Uploads a new learner to the LNAAT service. |

The activities available in the MIAP group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
LRSRegisterLearners | Learning Records Service (LRS) register learners. |
LRSUpdateLearners | LRS update learners. |
LRSVerifyLearners | LRS verify learners. |
PreFlightCheck | Performs the preflight check for MIAP returning whether it is valid or not. |

The activities available in the Notifications group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
CreateNotification | Creates a notification. |

The activities available in the NSN group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
NSNProcessUnregisteredLearners | Synchronises unregistered learners with the National Student Index (NSI). |
NSNProcessUnverifiedLearners | Synchronises unverified learners with the NSI. |
NSNProcessUpdatedLearners | Synchronises updated learners with the NSI. |

The activities available in the Payments group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
InvoiceSelectedFees | Creates invoices for selected fees that are yet to invoiced. |

The activities available in the People group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
AdminDeleteLearner |
Administrative learner delete. Note: Refer to the AdminDeleteLearner activity description for more information. |
CreateTask | Creates a task. |
GetContactDetails | Gets the details of a person's contact. |
GetContacts | Gets a DataMarshaller list with the details of a person's contacts. |
GetMobileNumbersFromPersonCodes | Gets mobile numbers from a list of person codes. |
GetPeopleByOrganisationAndApplicationRole | Gets people based on organisation and application role. |
GetPeopleByOrganisationAndRole | Gets people based on organisation and role. |
GetPeopleByPosition | Gets a list of DataMarshaller of People records with a certain position. |
GetPeopleByRole | Gets a list of DataMarshallers of People records with a certain role. |
GetPersonDataMarshaller | Gets a DataMarshaller of a person's record. |
HasLearnerDisabilities | Checks whether a learner has disabilities. |
PublishPersonDetails | Generates internal Studylink VOS requests for changes to a particular Unit Instance Occurrence (UIO). |

The activities available in the Registers/Timetables group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
CascadeRegisters | Cascades progress information to the selected registers. |
GetBatchSIFDataLinkXML | Retrieves a batch of SIF derived Extensible Markup Language (XML) from DataLinks identified by a ScreenNames that have been defined in Designer. |
GetDefaultUsageCodes | Gets default usage codes. |
GetSIFDataLinkXML | Retrieves SIF XML from DataLink identified by a ScreenName that has been defined in Designer. |
GetStartAndEndTimes | Gets the school start and end times. |
GetStartAndEndTimesForDaysSelected | Gets the school start and end times for the selected days. |
GetUsageDetails | Gets usage details. |
PlannedAbsenceAddAbsenceRecords | Adds the relevant absence records for a specified planned absence. |
PlannedAbsenceMarkSlots | Marks the relevant REDS slots for a specified planned absence. |
RegisterEventsProcess | Process timetables changes. |
SenSIFBatchMessageToFCNet | Send SIF Integration event information to SEIS service. |
SetLearnerNotes | Sets a learner note on a slot. |
SIFImportTimetables | Retrieves SIF XML from Zip file and populates list of inbound event data object in IntegrationEventBatchData.RequestObjects. |
SIFUnzipToInboundEventData | Retrieves SIF XML from Zip file and populates list of inbound event data object in IntegrationEventBatchData.RequestObjects. |
UpdateRegister | Updates student registers. |
ZipBatchSIFDataLinkXML | Converts all the in memory XML into a zip of XML files for distribution . |

The activities available in the Reporting group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
AddReportLogProperty | Adds report log properties to a collection. |
AddReportParameter |
Adds report parameters to a parameter list. Note: Refer to the AddReportParameter activity description for more information. |
ExportReport |
Exports a report that can be attached to an email. Note: Refer to the ExportReport activity description for more information. |
GetDefaultPrinter | Retrieves the default printer name. |
LogAccess | Records when a report is accessed. |
PrintReport | Prints a report. |
PrintReportOnSpecifiedPrinter | Prints a report to a specified printer. |
StoreReport |
Runs a report that is stored against a learner's record. Note: Refer to the StoreReport activity description for more information. |

The activities available in the REST group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
HttpDeleteRequest |
Makes a DELETE REST call to an authenticated API (Application Programming Interface) (for example: People - Create Person ebs service). Note: Refer to the HttpDeleteRequest activity description for more information. |
HttpGetRequest |
Makes a GET REST call to an authenticated API. Note: Refer to the HttpGetRequest activity description for more information. |
HttpPostRequest |
Makes a POST REST call to an authenticated API. Note: Refer to the HttpPostRequest activity description for more information. |
HttpPutRequest |
Makes a PUT REST call to an authenticated API. Note: Refer to the HttpPutRequest activity description for more information. |

The activities available in the SDR group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
CompressOutput | Compresses Single Data Return (SDR) output files. |
CreateSdrSnapshot | Creates a snapshot record for an SDR run. |
OutputCourseCompletion | Outputs an SDR course completion file for the selected ReturnId and calendar year. |
OutputCourseEnrolment | Outputs an SDR course enrolment file for the selected calendar year. |
OutputCourseRegister | Outputs an SDR course register file for the selected calendar year. |
OutputQualCompletion | Output an SDR qualification completion file for the selected ReturnId and calendar year. |
OutputStudent | Output an SDR student file for the selected ReturnId and calendar year. |
SetCompletionStatus | Sets the Completion Status. |
SetOutputDetails | Sets Output Details. |

The activities available in the Test group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
HelloWorld | Tests the 'Hello World' activity. |

The activities available in the XML/Json group are described in the following table.
Activity | Does this... |
ConvertDataTableToJson | Converts a data table value to a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) value. |
ConvertDataTableToXml | Converts a data table value to an XML (Extensible Markup Language) value. |
ConvertJsonStringToDictionary |
Converts a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) value into a dictionary object. Note: Refer to the ConvertJsonStringToDictionary activity description for more information. |
ConvertJsonToString |
Converts a JSON value to a string representation of a JSON object. Note: Refer to the ConvertJsonToString activity description for more information. |
ConvertJsonToXml |
Converts JSON value to an XML (Extensible Markup Language) value. Note: Refer to the ConvertJsonToXml activity description for more information. |
ConvertStringToJson |
Converts the input string to a JSON value. Note: Refer to the ConvertStringToJson activity description for more information. |
ConvertStringToXml |
Converts the input string to an XML value. Note: Refer to the ConvertStringToXml activity description for more information. |
ConvertXmlToJson |
Converts XML to a JSON value. Note: Refer to the ConvertXmlToJson activity description for more information. |
ConvertXmlToString |
Converts XML to a string representation of an XML object. Note: Refer to the ConvertXMLToString activity description for more information. |
GetJsonFieldValue |
Returns the JSON value for a field. Note: Refer to the GetJsonFieldValue activity description for more information. |
GetXmlAttributeValue |
Returns the XML value for an attribute. Note: Refer to the GetXmlAttributeValue activity description for more information. |
GetXmlFieldValue |
Returns the XML value of a field. Note: Refer to the GetXmlFieldValue activity description for more information. |