ontrack Hub Institution Settings
The institution settings for use in ebs: ontrack Hub are configured on the following screens (accessed from the Product Modules pane):
The institution settings for ebs: ontrack Hub can be configured on the Ontrack screen.
The fields on the Ontrack screen are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Current year start | This is not applicable in ebs: ontrack Hub. |
Current year end | This is not applicable in ebs: ontrack Hub. |
Default current year? | This is not applicable in ebs: ontrack Hub. |
Default active only? | Whether to only show active records. |
Default to accessible mode | Whether to set the interface by default to accessible mode. |
Enable One-Click register marking? | Whether eRegisters in ebs: ontrack Hub can be marked with a single mouse click to quickly populate the default positive or negative mark for learner records. |
Ontrack Hub online help URL |
The website that is accessed when a user clicks the Online Help button in ebs: ontrack Hub. Note: If the field is left blank, the Online Help button is not displayed. |
Default for progress date |
Select Current date from the drop-down to set the progress date for progressions to the current date. Select Last attendance date from the drop-down to set the progress date for progressions to the date of the last positive attendance mark for the learner on a given enrolment. Note: This will be set to Current date as default. |
Home ribbon launches ontrack Hub | If set to Y, the Agent button on the home ribbon in ebs: central will open ebs: ontrack Hub. If not, ebs: Agent will open. |
Ontrack Hub URL | The ebs: ontrack Hub URL. |
Show Ontrack icon on Home ribbon |
Whether to display the ontrack icon on the Home ribbon in ebs: central. This defaults to 'Y'. Note: This setting is hidden for cloud systems and is set to 'N'. |
Show ontrack in ebs: central Learner details |
Whether the Ontrack tab is displayed in the left-hand pane on the Learner screen. This is set to Y by default. Note: You must also have the EBS4Agent5 licence and a primary role assigned to access the Ontrack tab. |
Start time to use when viewing Ontrack timetables | The start time used for ontrack timetables. |
End time to use when viewing Ontrack timetables | The end time used for ontrack timetables. |
Audit all ontrack hub access? | Whether to audit pages accessed by users in ebs: ontrack Hub. This is set to N by default. |
Content-Security-Policy details-src directive | A range of settings for the Content Security Policy. |
Content-Security-Policy child-src directive | |
Content-Security-Policy style-src directive | |
Content-Security-Policy img-src directive | |
Content-Security-Policy script-src directive | |
Content-Security-Policy font-src directive | |
Content-Security-Policy connect-src directive | |
Content-Security-Policy frame-src directive | |
Content-Security-Policy frame-ancestors directive | |
Content-Security-Policy report-uni directive |
The institution settings for eRegisters in ebs: ontrack Hub can be configured on the eRegisters screen.
The fields on the eRegisters screen are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
eRegisters start date |
Use this setting to enable online marking of eRegisters for your institution, only after the first few weeks of a session have passed and the registers have settled. It allows your institution to specify a default date from which all registers that have been set as an eRegister will become markable by tutors through ebs: ontrack Hub. This value can be overridden for specific registers from the Event Details page. Note: If this value is not set here, any eRegisters that do not have a specific date set will be markable in ebs: ontrack Hub from the first active slot of the register. |
Include transferred/withdrawn on ereg? | Whether transferred/withdrawn learners are included on eRegisters. |
Force marking on all learners? | Whether tutors must mark all learners with an attendance mark in the Tutor view of the eRegister in ebs: ontrack Hub. |
Mark eRegister by exception? |
Note: The Force marking of all learners? institution setting must be set to N if you want to use this functionality. A default positive mark must also be set in Register Usage Codes reference data. Whether the default positive mark (for example: present) is recorded for all unmarked learners on an eRegister that has been submitted unless a negative, neutral or late mark has been entered on the eRegister. Note: The default is set to N. |
Preserve existing marks when filling down? | Whether marks that already exist for an eRegister week which is being marked are preserved and not overwritten. |
No. of previous register marks to display | The number of previous register marks which tutors will be able to see on an eRegister when selected for marking. |
Learner comment requires attention | Whether a comment entered by a tutor for a learner on the register on the Mark eRegister page in ebs: ontrack Hub will notify the relevant administrator(s) for their authorisation from the Task List in ebs: central. |
Register comment requires attention | Whether a comment entered by a tutor for a register on the Mark eRegister page in ebs: ontrack Hub will notify the relevant administrator(s) for their authorisation from the Task List in ebs: central. |
Progression requires attention | Whether updates by a tutor to a learner’s register progress on the Mark eRegister page in ebs: ontrack Hub will record the change as a temporary value. This will then notify the relevant administrator(s) for their authorisation from the Task List in ebs: central. |
Record late minutes on eRegisters? | Whether to record the minutes a learner is late on an eRegister. |
The institution setting for specifying whether to use the Reports Cradle or Reports Viewer to view reports in ebs: ontrack Hub is the Use reports cradle or report viewer to display reports in Ontrack? on the Reports and Reporting Services screen.