If you choose not to ignore warnings by clicking No on the validation message, the system will alert you to any warning or error level blocking issues that may prevent the conversion from being actioned.
Issues that will be considered to be warnings are:
- Pre or co-requisites exist for this enrolment and enrolment is prevented
- The learner has bad debts and enrolment is prevented
- Learner must be validated at Level 2 for a Type D Qualification
- Over subscription will occur and the target course occurrence ‘Over enrol action’ setting is set to ‘Create record in waiting list’ or ‘Over subscription warning message’
- Duplicates will be created on the target course occurrence and the global duplicate setting is ‘Duplicates allowed but warning given’
Issues that will be considered to be error level blocks are:
- Oversubscription will occur and the target course occurrence ‘Over enrol action’ setting is set to ‘Oversubscription not allowed’
- Duplicates will be created on the target course occurrence and the global duplicate setting is ‘No duplicates’ or ‘No duplicates (ignore inactive units)’
If the application conversion process cannot complete due to errors or warnings, the relevant window is displayed to prevent you from continuing for errors or the option to continue with the conversion for warnings.