03 March 2025

Manage Awards in the Curriculum Module

When your awards have been created, you can start creating your HE courses. Courses can be created in different ways depending on the requirements of the institution. This section uses a typical BA (Hons) course as an example of how a HE course can be created and how awards are implemented in the curriculum.

A typical degree is created with three distinct Unit Instances (UIs):

  • A programme which is directly linked to the award

  • Multiple stages linked to the programme - these constitute an academic year for the programme

  • Multiple modules linked to a stage - these consist of subjects a learner would study as part of the award process

Each of these UIs would then have a Unit Instance Occurrence (UIO) added to it. In the example in this section, the programme is set as a three-year calendar type and has an occurrence of 1821 set against the UIO.

The stage UI is set as a one academic year calendar type and then has three individual UIOs set against it, one for each year of the course.

For each individual module UI, the calendar type is set to one academic year. The occurrence used would then need to match the occurrence code of the stage that it will be linked to (for example: if you had an introductory module that you plan to run in the first year, you would want the occurrence of the module and the first year stage to match).

The following steps outline how to create an example BA (Hons) course.