03 March 2025

Add a Rule Set

To create a rule set for the current award:

  1. Click the Add button on the Awards Manager ribbon.

    Add button

    A row is added to the Rule Sets grid.

  2. Enter the required values in the Rule Sets grid.

    New record in the Rule Sets grid

The fields in the Rule Sets grid are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Title The title of the rule set.
Description The description of the rule set.
Start Date The date the rule set is valid from. Start and end dates of rule sets must not overlap.
End Date The date the rule set ends. If this is left blank, the rule set is considered active.
Rules The rules that are associated with the rule set. Refer to Add an advanced rule for further information.
Courses The courses associated with the rule set. Refer to Manage Course Links for further information.
  1. Click the Save button to save the rule set for this award.