Example Rule Conditions
The following are rule conditions that can be used in creating rules.

The rule for AllChildrenPassed is displayed in the following format when managing advanced rules:
this.AllChildrenPassed(string uiLevel, string uiCode, bool immediateChildrenOnly, bool, thisProgrammeOnly)
You should specify:
The UI level(s) (that is: the code(s) for the curriculum levels for which outcomes are to be included in the rule calculation)
The UI codes for which this rule applies, and whether the rule applies to immediate children only, or whether any levels lower than that (for example: grandchildren or great grandchildren)
The thisProgrammeOnly parameter should be set to true if using the qualification code functionality to consider academic history items directly linked to the programme of study via this code.
Condition | Description |
this.AllChildrenPassed(“GROUP”,”GROUP1,GROUP2”,true,false) | This calculates whether all children that the learner has taken within UIs “GROUP1” and “GROUP2” of UI level type “GROUP”, and only direct children of those UIs are passed. |
this.AllChildrenPassed(“GROUP,UNIT”,”GROUP1,GROUP2,UNIT1,UNI T2”,false,false) | This calculates whether all children that the learner has taken within UIs “GROUP1”,”GROUP2”,”UNIT1”,UNIT2” of UI level types “GROUP” or "UNIT", along with any further levels in the structure (for example: grandchildren, great grandchildren) that are passed. |
The result of this rule is driven by outcomes, so only units that the learner has undertaken in their programme of study must be passed, regardless of how many items are linked at curriculum level or considered.

The rule for AllUIChildrenPassed is displayed in the following format when managing advanced rules:
this.AllUIChildrenPassed(string uiCode, bool immediateChildrenOnly)
You should specify:
The UI level(s) (that is: the code(s) for the curriculum levels for which outcomes are to be included in the rule calculation)
The UI codes for which this rule applies
Whether the rule applies to immediate children only or whether any lower levels (for example: grandchildren or great grandchildren) should be considered
The thisProgrammeOnly parameter should be set to true using the qualification code functionality to restrict consideration to academic history items directly linked to the programme of study via a linked unit offering or linked course, or false if all academic history is to be considered.
Condition | Description |
this.AllUIChildrenPassed(“GROUP1,GROUP2”,true) | This calculates whether all children linked at curriculum level for UI codes “GROUP1” and “GROUP2” and only direct children have been completed by the learner and passed. |
this.AllUIChildrenPassed(“GROUP1,GROUP2,UNIT1,UNIT2”,false) | This calculates whether all children linked at curriculum level for UI codes “GROUP1”,”GROUP2”,”UNIT1”,UNIT2” along with any further levels in the structure (for example: grandchildren and great grandchildren) have been completed by the learner and passed. |
The result of this rule is driven by the curriculum, so a learner must have a passed outcome for each of the children linked to the specified UI code.

The rule for GetNumberOfCreditsFromUILevel is displayed in one of the following formats when managing advanced rules:
this.GetNumberOfCreditsFromUILevel (string uiLevel, int creditLevel, bool thisLevelOrHigher)
- this.GetNumberOfCreditsFromUILevel (string uiLevel, int creditLevel, bool thisLevelOrHigher, string uiCodes)
You should specify:
The UI level(s) (that is: the UI level code for the curriculum levels for which outcomes are to be included in the rule calculation)
The qualification level that should be considered and whether it should be considered in isolation, for the specified level or for higher levels
If required, you can also specify the exact UI codes for which outcomes should be considered.
Condition | Description |
this.GetNumberOfCreditsFromUILevel(“MODULE”,5, true) >= 120 | The learner must achieve a minimum of 120 credits at Qualification Level 5 or above for “MODULE” type curriculum item outcomes. |
this.GetNumberOfCreditsFromUILevel(“MODULE”,4, false) >= 75 | The learner must achieve a minimum of 75 credits at Qualification Level 4 only for “MODULE” type curriculum item outcomes. |
this.GetNumberOfCreditsFromUILevel(“MODULE,UNIT”,4, false) >= 240 | The learner must achieve a minimum of 240 credits at Qualification Level 4 only across “MODULE” and “UNIT” type curriculum item outcomes. |
this.GetNumberOfCreditsFromUILevel(“MODULE”,5, true, ALGEBRA,PUREMATH,FORMULAS”) >= 120 | The learner must achieve a minimum of 120 credits at Qualification Level 5 or above for “MODULE” type curriculum item, outcomes to be considered from any of the modules ALGEBRA, PUREMATH or FORMULAS. |
this.GetNumberOfCreditsFromUILevel(“MODULE,UNIT”,4, false “ALGEBRA,PUREMATH,FORMULAS,PROBABILTY,TRIGADV” ) >= 240 | The learner must achieve a minimum of 240 credits at Qualification Level 4 only across “MODULE” and “UNIT” type curriculum item outcomes to be considered from any of the modules/units ALGEBRA,PUREMATH,FORMULAS,PROBABILT Y or TRIGADV. |

The rule for AllUILevelOutcomesArePassed is displayed in one of the following formats when managing advanced rules:
- this.AllUILevelOutcomesArePassed(string uiLevel)
- this.AllUILevelOutcomesArePassed(string uiLevel,string uiCodes)
You should specify the UI level(s) (for example: the UI level code for the curriculum levels for which outcomes are to be included in the rule calculation).
If required, you can also specify the exact UI codes for which outcomes should be considered.
Condition | Description |
this. AllUILevelOutcomesArePassed(“MODULE”) | The learner must pass all outcomes undertaken for “MODULE” type curriculum item outcomes. |
this. AllUILevelOutcomesArePassed(“MODULE”, "ALGEBRA,PUREMATH,FORMULAS,PROBABILTY,TRIGADV” ) | The learner must pass all outcomes undertaken for “MODULE” type curriculum item outcomes for all UI codes ALGEBRA,PUREMATH,FORMULAS,PROBABILT Y and TRIGADV specifically. |

The rule for Minimum Average Value is displayed in one of the following formats when managing advanced rules:
- this.MinimumAverageValue(string uiLevel,bool includeLowerUILevels,bool thisProgrammeOnly)
- this.MinimumAverageValue(string uiLevel,bool includeLowerUILevels,bool thisProgrammeOnly,string uiCodes)
You should specify:
The UI level across which the average is to be taken
Whether the rule applies to only the UI level specified or for lower UI levels in the hierarchy
An optional ability to list specific UI codes to include in the calculation
The thisProgrammeOnly parameter should be set to true if using the qualification code functionality to consider academic history items directly linked to the programme of study via this code.
Condition | Description |
this.MinimumAverageValue("UNIT", False, True) >= 85 | The learner needs to gain a minimum average greater than or equal to 85 across all items of UI level type “UNIT”. |
this.MinimumAverageValue("UNIT",”SUBUNIT”, True, True,”ENGADVU1,ENGADVU2,ENGADVSU1”) >= 65 | The learner needs to gain a minimum average greater than or equal to 65 from the listed UI codes of UI level type “UNIT” or “SUBUNIT” and any child UI level of those linked in the curriculum. |
The average value is calculated over the outcomes that have been undertaken by the learner (for example: if five UI codes are listed, of which the learner has taken three, the average value is calculated over the three they have taken).

The rule for WeightedAggregateValue is displayed in one of the following formats when managing advanced rules:
this. WeightedAggregateValue(string uiLevel,string creditsAndWeightingPerCreditLevel)
You should specify:
The UI levels across which the weighted average is to be taken
The qualification level, the total number of credits to be considered at that level and the percentage weighting contribution that the result should return for the final calculation result
Condition | Description |
this.WeightedAggregateValue("MODULE", “5,120,40;6,120,60”) >= 85 | The learner needs to gain a minimum weighted average of greater than or equal to 85 across all items of UI level type “MODULE” from 120 credits at level 5 and 120 credits at level 6 weighted at 40 and 60 percent respectively. |
this.WeightedAggregateValue("MODULE",”5,120,40;6,120,60) >= 65 && this.WeightedAggregateValue("MODULE",”5,120,40;6,120,60) <75 | The learner needs to gain a weighted average value between 65 and 74.99 across all items of UI level type “MODULE” from 120 credits at level 5 and 120 credits at level 6, weighted at 40 and 60 percent respectively. |
Each individual unit is also weighed against the total credits per level value using its own credit weighting, and the resulting value then weighted using the weighting values specified in the rule.
Module | Credit Weighting | Result | Weighted Formula | Weighted Result |
1 | 20 | 78% | 20/120 * 78 | 13.00 |
2 | 40 | 67% | 40/120 * 67 | 22.33 |
3 | 10 | 89% | 10/120 * 89 | 7.42 |
4 | 30 | 54% | 30/120 * 54 | 13.50 |
5 | 20 | 71% | 20/120 * 71 | 11.83 |
68.08 |
Module | Credit Weighting | Result | Weighted Formula | Weighted Result |
1 | 40 | 65% | 40/120 * 65 | 21.67 |
2 | 20 | 79% | 20/120 * 79 | 13.17 |
3 | 20 | 43% | 20/120 * 43 | 7.17 |
4 | 40 | 88% | 40/120 * 88 | 29.33 |
71.34 |
If the rule says:
this.WeightedAggregateValue("5,120,40;6,120,60") >=65
This means that the final value needs to be calculated using 40% of the Level 5 module aggregate and 60% of the Level 6 module aggregate. For example:
- Level 5 - 68.08 * 0.40 = 27.23
- Level 6 - 71.34 * 0.60 = 42.80
The final result is 70.03, so the learner would achieve a pass in this scenario.

The rule for IsPassedValue is displayed in the following format when managing advanced rules:
this.IsPassedValue(string UI Level, Total Credits, Level, Minimum Result in Range, Max result in Range, Only this level or higher)
You should specify:
The UI level(s) (that is: the code(s) for the curriculum levels for which outcomes are to be included in the rule calculation)
The total credits to be considered for the rule
The minimum outcome result of the range
The maximum result of the range
The register level
Whether this rule is for just the set level or the set level and above
Condition | Description |
IsPassedValue("MODULE",120,4,70,100,false) | Level 4 Modules up to a total of 120 credits are to have pass marks between 70 and 100. |

The rule for GetNumberOfCreditsAtLevel is displayed in one of the following formats when managing advanced rules:
this.GetNumberOfCreditsAtLevel(Y, true) >= X
Replace the Y with the required level and the X with the number of credits.
Where you enter 'true' in the parameter after the Y value, this includes all credits at Level Y and above.
Where you enter false in the parameter after the Y value, this only includes credits at Level Y but not any credits at a higher level.
Condition | Description |
this.GetNumberOfCreditsAtLevel(5, true) >= 120 | A minimum of 120 credits at level 5 or above. |
this.GetNumberOfCreditsAtLevel(4, false) >= 75 | A minimum of 75 credits at level 4 only. |

The rule for GetNumberOfCreditsFromUnitStandards is displayed in one of the following formats when managing advanced rules:
this.GetNumberOfCreditsFromUnitStandards("Course code list", Y, true) >= X
Replace the course code list with a comma delimited set of course codes to which the unit standard outcomes are linked, the Y with the required level and X with the number of credits.
Where you enter 'true' in the parameter after the Y value, this includes all NZQA credits at Level Y and above.
Where you enter false in the parameter after the Y value, this only includes NZQA credits at Level Y but not any NZQA credits at a higher level.
Condition | Description |
this.GetNumberOfCreditsFromUnitStandards("CARP.1001, CARP.1002", 3, true) >= 15 | A minimum of 15 NZQA credits at level 3 or above from the set of courses with course codes of CARP.1001 and CARP.1002 |