Regenerate and Review Timetables
Once the timetable events have been generated and learners allocated to their groups as load balanced, the block scheduling process is completed.
However, the following tasks can still be carried out in Block Matrix:

After the timetable has been generated, until a register associated with any event created from the blocking process has been marked, it is still possible to modify blocks and periods or course group allocations in Block Matrix and regenerate the timetable.
Care should be taken as regeneration will remove all existing events for courses that are scheduled using the blocking process, which will include any events that have been manually added through ebs: shape and may require the re-issuing of all staff, room, and learner timetables.
Once any register for a course included in the block matrix process has been marked, the timetable is automatically locked and cannot be regenerated. This is indicated by the status of the Learners Locked option in the Session group of the ribbon.
It is also possible for an administrator to lock down the current allocations of learners to groups manually using this option.

Learners may want to change their timetable due to changing subject, clashes with outside activities or preferring to be placed in another group for personal reasons. Until the point at which the timetable is locked, it is possible to address these cases individually or collectively by making the necessary adjustments in Block Matrix and then regenerating the timetable
The knock-on effect of these changes may be substantial and should always be considered.
After the timetable has been locked down, Block Matrix still allows you to review a learner’s options, and you can prevent changes suggested by the blocking process being implemented manually in the timetable.
You can review a learner's options by opening the Load Balancing screen, locating the relevant learner and viewing the details in the Learner Details panel.