03 March 2025

CDR Process Schedules

The Schedules screen is a CDR-specific version of the Workflow Manager module.

CDR Process Schedules screen

When creating a scheduled run of the CDR to happen on a regular basis such as daily or weekly, select a time when the system will not be under a heavy demand. Outputting the CDR has to collect and process a lot of data for many learners and courses, so it will run more quickly for you and impact other users less if you can schedule the process to happen out of normal working hours. You are also advised to check with your college system administrators that the time you select does not clash with other scheduled processes such as backups and system downtime.

You can click the Schedules button on the Start ribbon to display the CDR Process Schedules screen.

Schedules button

You must have either the CDR Administrator role or the CDR Processing User and CDR Schedule Creator roles to access the CDR Process Schedules screen.

You can also create scheduled CDR processes on the CDR Processing screen.