CENTURY Integration
The integration with CENTURY enables you to create learner and staff accounts in CENTURY from ebs: ontrack Hub.Smart IA results for learners can then be imported from CENTURY and viewed in ebs: ontrack Hub. The integration also enables you to sync classes, students, and teachers from ebs with CENTURY. For more information on CENTURY, go to CENTURY.
Create accounts
The integration with CENTURY is through the CENTURY APIs. The APIs enable institutions to create accounts for staff and learners in CENTURY using data from ebs. Learners can also, optionally, be added to a CENTURY cohort and class. Staff can be assigned to a CENTURY class. The image below shows how user accounts are created in CENTURY using data from ebs.
On selecting create a CENTURY account on ebs: ontrack Hub, the 1221: CENTURY Create User workflow sends a request through the CENTURY APIs using the following data for learners or staff from ebs:
- Learners
- The details from ebs used to create the account are as follows:
First and last name
Unique learner number
Date of birth
Cohort (optional)
Class (optional)
The details from ebs used to create the account are as follows:
First and last name
Learner accounts are created using the learner's college email. However, if the learner's college email is not specified then learner accounts are created with a username that is their person code at the institution's domain. For example, 1007902743@hesslewoodcollege.ac.uk. Staff accounts are created using the college email, such as rohan.west@hesslewoodcollege.ac.uk, if the college email is not specified the account will not be created.
Both learner and staff accounts in CENTURY are created using the temporary password defined in the Institution Settings for CENTURY.
Import Smart IA results
After an account is created for a learner, the results of their Smart IA assessments can be imported from CENTURY. Smart IA assessments are imported into ebs individually or in bulk using workflows as follows:
- Individual learner
- On retrieving the learner's Smart IA results on ebs: ontrack Hub, the 1222: CENTURY Retrieve Smart IA Results for User workflow sends a request through the CENTURY APIs to retrieve the results. The image below shows how the Smart IA results are imported from CENTURY.
The workflow may not run instantly if the workflow server is busy.
- BETA Multiple learners
A scheduled workflow, 1223: Retrieve Completed CENTURY IA Results, imports all Smart IA results for learners for learners defined in the Data Miner view Learner CENTURY Match. The workflow is scheduled to run once a day and will import all Smart IA results that have been completed since the previous import. Note that you can change the Data Miner view used to identity learners, if required for the institution.
After the Smart IA results are imported, an email report is sent to the address defined in the CENTURY institution settings. The email report can be used to troubleshoot an errors that occur during the import of Smart IA results.
The Smart IA details imported from CENTURY are as follows:
Date achieved
You can then view the results for the learner on the Attainments screen or on the Initial Assessments tab as shown in the image below.
BETA Classes
The integration with CENTURY enables institutions to create classes, students, and teachers in CENTURY and link them together based on data defined in ebs. CENTURY classes in ebs can be defined in three ways, to reflect the different ways that institutions manage class data, as follows:
Course tutor groups
Register events
You can add CENTURY details for courses and register events that you want to sync to CENTURY classes using the Course CENTURY Details and Register CENTURY Details pages in Ontrack Staff Hub.
The scheduled workflow, 1224: Maintain CENTURY Class Memberships, sends a request through the CENTURY APIs using data retrieved by the following Data Miner views:
CENTURY Course Membership: retrieves students and teachers from courses with CENTURY details defined.
CENTURY Register Membership: retrieves students and teachers from register events with CENTURY details defined.
The image below shows how classes, students, and teachers are created in CENTURY using data from ebs.
After the classes are synced with CENTURY, an email report is sent to the address defined in the CENTURY institution settings. The email report can be used to troubleshoot an errors that occur during the class sync.