View Curriculum Planner Course Details
You can view details of courses that relate to a curriculum plan on the Curriculum Planner screen.
To view the Course Details panel, click the Expand button on the right-hand side of the screen.
The Course Details panel will display details of the current course.
Click the button again to collapse the panel.
The Course Details panel consists of the following tabs:

The Fees tab displays all fees associated with the course. You can view the fees mapping associated with a fee by clicking the Map button next to a fee.
This will display the Fees Mapping window, which shows details of the selected fee. These mappings can be amended if you have the appropriate role.

The Incomes tab displays information on all the incomes attached to the course and the values of each.
Learner Type Incomes will not display in this section until a recalculate has been done but this will disappear when the planner is closed but the calculation used from this value will still exist in the Incomes totals. This is because it multiplies the static value (Learner Type Income) by the dynamic value (Total Students on the course).

The Costs tab displays information on all the costs attached to the course and the values of each.
Learner Type Costs will not display in this section until a recalculate has been done but this will disappear when the planner is closed but the calculation used from this value will still exist in the Incomes totals. This is because it multiplies the static value (Learner Type Cost) by the dynamic value (Total Students on the course).

The Course Totals tab displays the total fees, incomes and costs of everything associated with the course.