Curriculum Institution Settings
The Curriculum screen (accessed from the Product Modules pane) contains the institution settings for use in the Curriculum module.

The fields on the Curriculum screen are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Default staff ‘can enquire’ setting for new courses | Whether to set the ‘Can Enquire’ flag, when creating a new course occurrence. This lets staff enter enquiries for this course. |
Default staff ‘can apply’ setting for new courses | Whether to set the ‘Can Apply’ flag, when creating a new course occurrence. This lets staff enter application for this course. |
Default staff ‘can enrol’ setting for ‘Active’ courses | Whether to set the ‘Can Enrol’ flag, when creating a new course occurrence. This lets staff enter enrolments for this course. |
Default staff ‘can wait’ setting for new courses | Whether to let staff enter waiting list records for this course. |
Default learner ‘can enquire’ setting for new courses | Whether to set the ‘Learner Can Enquire’ flag, when creating a new course occurrence. This lets learners enter enquiries for this course in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub. |
Default learner ‘can apply’ setting for new courses | Whether to set the ‘Learner Can Apply’ flag, when creating a new course occurrence. This lets learners enter applications for this course in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub. |
Default learner ‘can enrol’ setting for ‘Active’ courses | Whether to set the ‘Learner Can Enrol’ flag, when creating a new course occurrence. This lets learners enter enrolments for this course in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub. |
Default learner ‘can wait’ setting for new courses | Whether to let learners enter waiting list records for this course in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub. |
Audit changes to live curriculum | Whether live curriculum should be audited. |
Courses default to visible in the Learner Portal | Whether courses are visible by default in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub. |
Roll forward funding year offset tolerance | The number of days to be used, when rolling forward by x days, that the system should use to find the funding year which corresponds to the current funding year +x days. The tolerance setting will determine how many days outside this range will be allowable (that is: find a funding year that starts between x-T and x+T days from the start of the current funding year). |
MIS role inherits workflow admin rights | Whether staff with the MIS role inherit workflow admin rights. |
Is the Pre/Co Requisites functionality enabled? | Whether the pre/co-requisites functionality is enabled in ebs. |
Restrict UIO fields editable by faculty staff when enrolments exist? | Whether the system will restrict the UIO fields which are editable by staff with the Faculty User role. |
Allow duplicate UIO Group names | Whether to allow duplicate UIO group names. This is not set by default. |
Allow Assessment due date outside UIO date range | Whether to allow assessments due dates to be created outside the UIO date range. |
Default Calendar Occurrence | The default calendar occurrence code to be used when developing the curriculum model, and when registering a learner against a unit instance. |
Default Calendar Type | The default calendar type code to be used when developing the curriculum model. |
Default study location | The default study location code to be used when developing the curriculum model. |
UIO Default total places | The default total UIO places. |
Validate UIO end date from effective date spectrum | Whether the system should validate the UIO end date against the ‘effective to date’. |
Default UIO Status for cloned UIOs | The default status for clones UIOs. Select from the drop-down list. |
UK Planning Course Row Colour | The row colour to be displayed for planning courses. Select from the drop-down list. |
UK Planning Course Text Colour | The text colour to be displayed for planning courses. Select from the drop-down list. |