Curriculum Ribbon Groups
The groups of function buttons on the Curriculum Manager ribbon are described as follows.

This group provides access to:
- The Curriculum Manager grids, using the Curriculum Manager button
- The Curriculum Details screen, using the Curriculum Search button
UK The Curriculum Planner screen, using the Curriculum Planner button

This group provides editing options for the current grid.
The available buttons are:
- Refresh - refresh the screen to show updated data
- Add - add a new record to the dataset
- Delete - Marks records for deletion from the dataset. Select multiple records using Ctrl-click, or Shift-click. Save to confirm deletion.
- Undelete - unmarks the records for deletion
- Duplicate - duplicates the selected single record
- Discard Changes - discards any unsaved changes
- Flood Fill - fills a column with a selected field value
- Current Year - limits the selection to records for the current enrolment year as specified in Institution Settings
- Marking Scheme - applies a marking scheme rule to a set of one or more assessments that is used when calculating the accumulative result. Refer to Marking Schemes for further information.

The Go To group provides the Go To button, which helps you navigate between the current curriculum datasets while retaining the context of the currently selected records.
The Go To button navigates to the following:
- Enrolments
- UIs
- UIOs
- UIO Fees
- UI Assessments
- UIO Assessments
- UI Awards
UK UIO Learning Aims
ENG Learner Aims
ENG Course and Aims
NZ UI Fees

The Fees group provides the Add Price Band button, which is available to the following grids:
- UIOs
- UIO Fees
NZ UI Fees

This group provides options to add, delete, view, and save (to your local machine) prospectus attachments for UIs/UIOs on the Prospectus tab on the Curriculum Details screen.

This group provides the following options:

This group provides access to curriculum-related reports.