Roll Forward UIOs and Associated Records

Screen 1 of the Curriculum Roll Forward wizard is the initial screen displayed.
To roll forward associated elements:
Select the required check boxes to specify the associated attributes to be rolled forward, or select the Select All check box to roll forward all the associated attributes.
The Select All check box is selected by default. Where notes are added against an attribute, both the Notes option and relevant attribute option (for example: Assessments) must be selected for the notes to be rolled forward.
- If required, select the Re-Roll Forward check boxes for the fees and/or learning aims to re-roll forward.
- If required, select the Delete check boxes for the fees and/or learning aims to delete that were previously rolled forward.
- If required, in the Curriculum Plan section, select the Roll Forward into Plan check box, and then select one of the following options from the Roll Forward Options field drop-down list:
- Link to Owning Organisation Plan
- Select Existing Plan
- Create New Plan
- Click the Next button to display Screen 2 of the Curriculum Roll Forward wizard.

Screen 2 of the Curriculum Roll Forward wizard is used for mapping calendar occurrences to roll forward to the target calendar occurrences.
If the Links and Related UIOs check box on Screen 1 of the wizard is selected, you can add child calendar occurrences to map on Screen 2.
The fields on Screen 2 of the Curriculum Roll Forward wizard are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Increment days rather than use dates from target calendar occurrence | Whether to increment the source calendar occurrence dates by x number of days. |
Target Calendar Occurrence |
The target calendar occurrence for the UIO. This is set to the Roll Fwd Calendar Code setting for the calendar occurrence record in Calendar Types reference data. If required, click the Search button to display the Calendar Occurrence Search window, where you can select a different calendar occurrence. |
Map Child Calendar Occurrences |
The child calendar occurrences to map. In the Target Calendar Occurrences field, click the Search button to display the Calendar Occurrence Search window, where you can select the required calendar occurrence. The number of child calendar occurrences added is displayed in the relevant Mapped Child Count field. |
Click the Next button to display Screen 3 of the Curriculum Roll Forward wizard.

Screen 3 of the Curriculum Roll Forward wizard is used for selecting the roll forward settings.
The fields on Screen 3 of the Curriculum Roll Forward wizard are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Status |
The code to define the status of the UIO. Select from the drop-down list. Users must have the Planning Roll-forward role in addition to the Roll-forward role for planned statuses to be available to select. |
Can enquire | Whether learners can enquire against this UIO. Used in Enquiries to determine whether the UIO is enquirable. |
Can apply | Whether learners can apply against this UIO. Used in Applications to determine whether the UIO is available for applications. |
Can enrol | Whether learners can enrol against this UIO. Used in Enrolments to determine whether the UIO is enrollable. |
Learner Prospectus | Whether prospectus information is rolled forward. |
Can enquire through Learner Portal | Whether learners can enquire using ebs: ontrack Learner Hub. |
Can apply through Learner Portal | Whether learners can apply using ebs: ontrack Learner Hub. |
Can enrol through Learner Portal | Whether learners can enrol using ebs: ontrack Learner Hub. |
Roll Forward Ownership |
The owner(s) of the UIO. Select from the following:
Assessments |
Whether assessments are rolled forward from UI level or UIO level. Select from the following:
The Assessments section is only displayed if the Assessments check box is selected on Screen 1. |
Non-active child links |
Whether non-active child links are rolled forward. The Links and Related UIOs section is only displayed if the Links and Related UIOs check box is selected on Screen 1. |
Click the Next button to display Screen 4 of the Curriculum Roll Forward wizard.

If the Fees and/or Roll Forward into Plan check boxes on Screen 1 of the wizard are selected, you can select the roll forward settings for fees and curriculum plans on Screen 4, and the summary and roll forward process are displayed on Screen 5 and Screen 6 respectively.
The fields on Screen 4 of the Curriculum Roll Forward wizard are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Roll Forward Fees with Price Bands |
Whether fees with price bands are rolled forward from the UIO. If you select to roll forward fees with price bands, the Fee Options, Percentage/Flat Rate, and Rounding Options fields are disabled. |
Roll Forward Fees with No Price Bands |
Whether fees with no price bands are not rolled forward from the UIO. If you select to roll forward fees with no price bands, the Fee Options field is available to complete. |
Fee Options |
Whether rolled forward fees with no price bands are unchanged, uplifted or downturned. Select from the following:
If you select to change the fee values, the Percentage/Flat Rate and Rounding Options fields are available to complete. |
Percentage/Flat Rate | The percentage or flat rate to apply to the fees. |
Rounding Options | The value that fees should be rounded to. |
Remove Fee Start and End Dates | Whether the fee start and end dates are removed. |
Funding Year |
The funding year for the UIO. Select from the drop-down list. The Funding Year field is only displayed if the Fees and/or Learning Aims check boxes are selected on Screen 1. |
Click the Next button to display Screen 5 of the Curriculum Roll Forward wizard.

Screen 5 of the Curriculum Roll Forward wizard displays a summary of the UIOs and the settings to be rolled forward.
If the Fees and/or Roll Forward into Plan check boxes on Screen 1 of the wizard are not selected, the summary is displayed on Screen 4.
If the start and end dates of the selected children do not fall in the start and end dates of the parent, a warning message is displayed in the Validation section but the UIO can still be rolled forward.
Click the Next button to display Screen 6 of the Curriculum Roll Forward wizard.

Screen 6 of the Curriculum Roll Forward wizard displays the UIOs and associated records to be rolled forward.
If the Fees and/or Roll Forward into Plan check boxes on Screen 1 of the wizard are not selected, the roll forward process is displayed on Screen 5.
Click the Finish button to open the Curriculum Manager and show the rolled forward UIOs in the UIOs grid.