Conflicts with De-duplication
There will be occasions when the de-duplication process does not fully complete due to the record being merged having one or more of the following conflicts:

When you merge a learner where address details exist, the associated records will be merged into the new learner but the old record cannot be deleted.
The following error message is displayed when there is an address against a learner. This record will need to be deleted manually before the person record can be deleted.

When you merge a learner where both person records are enrolled on the same course, the following error message is displayed, and one of the enrolments will need to be deleted to merge the records.

When you merge a learner that is submitted on an exam, the following error message is displayed.

When you merge a learner where a ULN number exists for both records, the following error message is displayed.

When you merge a learner with an ILR record, the associated ILR records will be merged into the new learner but the old record cannot be deleted.
The following error message is displayed when there is an ILR record against a learner. This record will need to be deleted manually before the person record can be deleted.

When you merge a learner where EMA details exist for both records, the following error message is displayed.

When you merge a learner where a learning programme record is associated with the learner, the following error message is displayed.

When you merge a learner where both person records have StudyLink records, a prompt is displayed during the de-duplication process.
When you click the Yes button the merge will complete (as long as it avoids any other conflicts) and the StudyLink records will be merged into the new learner record.