View Digital Signature Records
You can view and check on the status of reports you have sent to learners to sign using the Digital Signatures functionality in the following:

You can use the Data Miner module to view all reports that have been produced using the Digital Signatures functionality.
You must have the User role assigned from the ebs: intel Data Miner group to access this functionality.
To view digital signature records in Data Miner:
Select the Learner application context.
Select the Learner Digital Signatures view.
Use the Condition Builder to search for and display the digital signature records you want to view using the following conditions:
- Person Code
- Surname
- Forename
- Title
- Date of Birth
- Gender
- Report Name
- Report Display Name
- Report Description
- Requested Date
- Received Date
- Signature Status
- Created By
- Created Date
- Notes
The digital signature records are displayed in the grid.