03 March 2025

EMA Institution Settings

The institution settings for the Education Maintenance Allowance functionality are contained in the EMA screen.

EMA institution settings screen

The fields on the EMA screen are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Start date for EMA processing The start date from which to start processing EMA payment decisions.
Week from which EMA payments will be processed The start week for EMA auto uploads.
The funding year that EMA should process The current funding year that EMA should process and this will be the default on all your EMA processing.
Auto process completed weekly payments Whether the system does not wait for the submit payments button, but process all records that have been completed. Used with the ebs EMASYS module.
Auto process completed bonus payments Whether the system does not wait for the submit bonus payments button, but process all records that have been completed. Used with the ebs EMASYS module.
Apply study hours per week rule when calculating EMA Attendance Outcome Whether the system applies the study hours per week rule when calculating EMA Attendance Outcome.
Maximum records returned for EMA The maximum number of records returned on a page.
Register marks update attendance after manually set Select Y to specify that register marks can change the payment decision after it has been manually set by the user.
Auto submit previously rejected records Select Y to automatically submit previously rejected records.
Timeout in seconds The timeout in seconds of the EMA software, default is 240.
Save to Disk? Whether to save to disk.
Use Transactions Whether to use transactions.
EMA File Path The EMA file path.
Proxy URL The proxy URL.
Proxy User The proxy user name.
Proxy Password The proxy password.
EMA provider ID The EMA provider ID.
EMA User Name The required username for contacting EMASYS.
Establishment Code The institution’s establishment code.
LEA Code The institution’s LEA code.
Default EMA course type It you do not enter the EMA course type against the Learner or the Enrolment and you use the ebs EMASYS module, you must enter a value here. Otherwise, the EMASYS upload will return an error.
Maximum number of records in an on-line EMA submission The maximum number of records to be returned in an on-line EMA submission.
Maximum number of records in an off-line EMA submission The maximum number of records to be returned in an off-line EMA submission.
Weekly Authorisation Upload URL The weekly authorisation Upload URL.
Bonus Authorisation Upload URL The bonus authorisation Upload URL.
Enrolment Upload URL The Enrolment Upload URL.
Offline Response Download URL The Offline Response Download URL.
Use REST/JSON API When Y is selected, attendance confirmation is sent using the new REST/JSON format and endpoint. When N is selected the old SOAP/XML format and endpoints are used
EMA Client ID These credentials are issued by SLC for use with the REST/JSON web services
EMA Client Secret These credentials are issued by SLC for use with the REST/JSON web services, after save the value will only show '*****'
JSON Web service URL The endpoint for the new REST/JSON format EMA web services
EMA supplier id Tribal’s EMA supplier ID.