Process the EMA
The Run Process drop-down contains EMA processes are required to be run to successfully complete the full EMA process.
The options in the drop-down are described in the following sections:

This is the first step of the EMA process and this retrieves the marks from the relevant registers to give an attendance outcome for each learner.
Any records that have a valid attendance outcome (that is: all except 'Not Assessed') will have their status changed to 'Pending Upload'.

This is the second step of the EMA process, and this uploads the EMA payment data to the SLC portal. Any records with a status of 'Pending Upload' will be uploaded.

This is the final step of the EMA process and this contacts the SLC web service to receive a response to the uploaded data. Although the process should complete within 10 to 15 minutes, it is recommended that this process is run the day after the upload process.
When the SLC have processed the upload, running Process Pending updates the ebs EMA records that have been submitted. These can return as Submitted or as Exceptions (for example: Rejected). The learner EMA records will then update to confirm the submission.
When you receive exceptions back from the SLC, they will have an error code which explains why the EMA submission has been rejected.
The error codes are described in the following table.
Error Code | Description | Error Message |
1 | Username/Password Authentication failure | 'Invalid Username or Password. Please check credentials and re-submit.' |
2 | Parameters validation | 'Invalid parameters supplied.' |
3 | Reference ID generation failure (database issue) | 'There is a problem with the EMA system.' |
4 | Data has not been sent in XML format. | 'Data is not an xml message.' |
5 | XML message has been badly formed. | 'XML has been badly formed.' |
6 | XML message does not correspond to predetermined schema. | 'XML does not correspond to expected format. Please check and re-submit.' |
7 | Learning Centre ID validation failure | 'The Learning Centre ID has not been recognised.' |
8 | Associated Learning Centre validation failure | 'The Username is not associated with a valid Learning Centre.' |
9 | Supplier ID validation failure | 'The Supplier does not match against an existing Scheme.' |
10 | EMA version number validation failure | 'The version number is not a valid EMA version number.' |
11 | Academic Year validation failure | 'Invalid academic year.' |
12 | Sent Date format validation failure | 'The Sent Date is not in the correct format.' |
13 | Sent Date period validation failure | 'The Sent Date cannot be in the future.' |
14 | Sequence Number format validation failure | 'The sequence number is in an invalid format' |
15 | Sequence Number sequence validation failure | 'The sequence number is an invalid value' |
16 | Week Beginning Date format validation failure | 'The Week Beginning Date is not in the correct format' |
17 | Week Beginning Date future validation failure | 'The confirmation date is too far in the future.' |
18 | Week Beginning Date period validation failure | 'The confirmation date is too far in the past.' |
19 | If week start date is not a 'Monday'. | 'Week start date is not a Monday' |
20 | EMA Reference validation failure | 'The Student Reference number has not been recognised.' |
21 | Confirmation Type validation failure | 'The Authorisation type has not been recognised.' |
22 | Confirmation Status Type validation failure | 'The Authorisation flag is invalid.' |
23 | Application verification failure | 'The student does not have a valid EMA application for this academic year.' |
24 | Learning Agreement verification validation failure | 'The student does not have a valid Learning Agreement for this Academic Year.' |
25 | Learning Agreement Part 1 validation failure | 'The student does not have a signed Part 1 of their Learning Agreement.' |
26 | Learning Agreement status validation failure | 'The Learning Agreement for this student is currently suspended.' |
27 | Learning Agreement Learning Centre validation failure | 'The Learning agreement for this student is not associated with the authorising Learning Centre.' |
28 | Reference ID validation failure | 'The Reference ID supplied is invalid.' |
29 | Generic system error | 'There is a problem with the EMA system.' |
30 | Authorisation Date Holiday validation | 'Authorisation can only be set to Holiday for future weeks.' |
31 | Upload User permission validation | 'This User does not have permission to submit data for this Learning Centre.' |
32 | Status Request User permission validation | 'This User does not have permission to request status on this Reference ID.' |
33 | Week ending date out with the academic year. | 'The week ending date is out with the entitlement period for the academic year.' |
34 | No more payment schedules for supplied academic year | 'There are no more payment schedules for supplied academic year.' |