Integrate Groups
You can integrate groups using the Interfaces Designer so that they are created and populated in Engage. This process maintains both the groups and the staff and learners (or prospective learners) that are members of that group.
The Include people unit records since date for Edge institution setting allows you to only synchronise data that has been created or updated since the specified date.
You can also leave the field blank to use all of the available data. Refer to Edge Institution Settings for further information.
This institution setting applies to the following elements:

Learners are identified using the following criteria:
They have an application that is either linked to a calendar occurrence that finishes after today's date, or is not linked to a calendar occurrence (for example: UI application)
They have an enrolment that is linked to a calendar occurrence that did not finish more than 365 days ago
They have at least one active application or enrolment, or have at least one enrolment that is finished and the end date is not more than 365 days ago
The special details end date is used (if set), otherwise the course end date is used.

This returns all Person records with a staff code.
A staff member is active if the Is Active check box is selected on the Staff Details tab.
Only active staff members can log into the Engage app.
Staff members with the Edge Administrator role in ebs are assigned as 'Admin'. Staff members without this role are assigned as 'Staff'.

The course group name is comprised of the description and calendar occurrence.
Whether you have course groups or tutor groups is dependent on the Group Level institution setting (on the Engage screen).
The password that is set for the group is the unit instance code.
Groups are marked as deleted if the course finished more than 365 days ago.
A course group is returned if:
- It is active, or has enrolments that did not finish more than 365 days ago
The Course Level institution setting is set to 'All Courses', or 'Parent Courses only' if it has a linked child course
If Group Level is set to 'TutorGroup', course groups are still returned if there are either no groups or no learners linked to tutor groups attached to the course.

The tutor group name is comprised of the description and calendar occurrence.
Whether you have course groups or tutor groups is dependent on the Group Level institution setting (on the Engage screen).
The password that is set for the group is the unit instance code.
Groups are marked as deleted if the course finished more than 365 days ago.
A tutor group is returned if:
- It is active, or has enrolments that did not finish more than 365 days ago
- The Group Level institution setting is set to 'Tutorgroup'
- The Course Level institution setting is set to 'Parents only' (provided it has a linked child course). Otherwise, all courses are included.

Application groups are at organisation level and calendar occurrence level. There is also a general group for courses that are not linked to any organisation.
The group name is comprised of the organisation code and the occurrence code (if relevant).
The password for the group is the organisation code.
Application groups are never deleted.
An application group is returned if it has:
- Applications that are 'Active' or 'Pending'
- A start date that is in the future
- An end date that is not in the past

This identifies the learners to be synced based on same logic used in the Course Groups query.
Course group members are returned if:
- The course group is active, or has enrolments that did not finish more than 365 days ago
- The Course Level institution setting is set to 'Parents only' (provided it has a linked child course)
This also returns staff in the group if they are:
- Attached to UIO as Lead Tutor or Unit Leader
- Linked to the course in any way (unless they are an Owner, Course Builder or Exam Sync staff type)
Department heads and three-marked registers data are not returned by default when the Course Group Memberships is run, but can be enabled by un-commenting out the relevant section of SQL code, if required.

This identifies learners using the same logic as the course groups query.
A tutor group member is returned if:
- The course group is active, or has enrolments that did not finish more than 365 days ago
- The Course Level institution setting is set to 'Parents only' (provided it has a linked child course)
This also returns staff in the group if they are:
- Attached to UIO as Lead Tutor or Unit Leader
- Linked to the course in any way (unless they are an Owner, Course Builder or Exam Sync staff type)
Staff members linked to UIO learner groups are set as the primary staff member.
Department heads and three-marked registers data are not returned by default when the Tutor Group Memberships is run, but can be enabled by un-commenting out the relevant section of SQL code, if required.

- They have an active application
- The start date is in the future
- The end date is not in the past
Staff are returned if they are designated as a contact within the organisation. If this is not available, then it will return any staff connected to the ‘Learner Services Department’ as specified in the Application Administrative Organisation (Org Code) institution setting (on the Engage screen).