03 March 2025

Add Learning Programmes

To add a learning programme for a learner

  1. Click the Learning Programme button on the Enrolment ribbon.

    Learning Programme button

    The Learning Programme Details window is displayed.

    Learning Programme Details window

The fields on the Learning Programme Details window are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
LPA Number The LPA number for the learner.
ULI (LP01) A unique identifier for each learner, determined by the Welsh Government.
Learner ID (LP02) An identifier number for the learner, allocated by the learning provider.
Delete Flag Sets the selected learner programme for deletion.
Provider Flag (LP03) An identifier code for the provider, as allocated by the Welsh Government.
Learn Prog ID (LP04) Identifier for each learning programme with provider for this learner.
ELWA Office (LP05) Null return from 2017.
Release Date (LP06) Null value in field for new learning starting on or after 1 August 2014.
Mode of Att (LP07) Null return from 2012.
Domicile (LP08) Country of domicile of learner before commencing learning programme.
Start Postcode (LP09) Post code of the learner at start of learning programme.
Unitary Auth (LP10) The unitary authority code where the learner is living at the start of the learning programme.
Emp Start Stat (LP11) The employment status of learners on the first day of the programme.
Emp. Name (LP12) The name of the employer or placement provider of learner at the start of the learning programme.
Emp. Postcode (LP13) The postcode of the employer or placement provider of learner at the start of the learning programme.
SOC Code (LP14) Null return from 2012.
Emp. Role (LP15) Null return from 2012.
Sect. Frwk. Code (LP16) Null return from 2017.
Prog Type (LP17) The main type of learning for the programme.
Len Prior Non-Emp (LP18) To determine the period of non-employment before learning.
Exp Length (LP19) Null return from 2017.
Joint Provider (LP20) Null return from 2012.
High Qual Type (LP21) Null return from 2012.
High Qual Level (LP22) Level of highest qualification achieved prior to learning programme (CQFW equivalent).
Welsh Speaker (LP23) Whether the learner considers them-self to be a Welsh speaker.
Pref Language (LP24) Null return from 2012.
Fin Support (LP25) Financial support for the learner for this learning programme
Total Fees (LP26) Null return from 2012.
Excl Fee Recalc Prevents the fee from being recalculated if the fee-recalculation functionality is run.
Reserved Field (LP27) Null return from 2012.
Major Fees (LP28) The main source of fees.
Dis and/or Lrn Diff (LP29) Null value in field for new learning starting on or after 1 August 2014.
Prim. Disability (LP30) The primary type of disability and/or learning difficulty field records the main type of disability and/or learning difficulty that a learner has.
Sec. Disability (LP31) Null value in field for new learning starting on or after 1 August 2014.
Disadv Grouping (LP32) Null return from 2012.
Start Fluency (LP33) Null return from 2012.
Start Numeracy (LP34) Null return from 2017.
Start Literacy (LP35) Null return from 2017.
Final Fluency (LP36) Null return from 2012.
Final Numeracy (LP37) Null return from 2012.
Final Literacy (LP38) Null return from 2012.
F'work Achieve (LP39) Null return from 2017.
End Emp Stat (LP40) Null return from 2012.
Term Reason (LP41) Whether the learner is continuing or has completed, or the reason for learner terminating learning programme if learner is not continuing or has not completed the learning programme.
3 Month Dest (LP42) The destination of the learner after the end of the learning programme or when the learner left prior to completion of the programme.
Dest aft 6 Mon (LP43) Null return from 2012.
Provider Field 1 (LP44) Optional field to assist processing for providers.
Provider Field 2 (LP45) Optional field to assist processing for providers.
SIC 2003 (LP46) Null return from 2012.
SME Indicator (LP47) Indicator of status of employer as public/private sector Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) or non-SME, as confirmed in the relevant signed SME3 form.
Temp Field 1 (LP48) Null return from 2017.
Temp Field 2 (LP49) Null return from 2012.
Temp Field 3 (LP50) Null return from 2012.
Sp Prg Fnd Rule (LP51) Temporary funding field.
Basic Skills (LP52) Null return from 2012.
Latest Employ (LP53) Null return from 2012.
Change Date (LP54) Null return from 2012.
Term Date (LP55) The date the learner finished this learning programme (that is: the learner completed all the activities relating to the learning programme or date the learner left the programme).
Work-limiting health (LP56) Whether the learner has a work-limiting health condition at the start of the learning programme.
Lone parent indicator (LP57) Null return from 2017.
Understanding Welsh (LP58) Whether the learner is able to understand Welsh.
Reading & writing in Welsh (LP59) Whether the learner is able to read and/or write Welsh.
Migrant worker indicator (LP60) Whether the learner is a migrant worker.
Hours worked per week (LP61) Details of hours worked per week by learner.
Size of employer (LP62) Details of the number of staff employed by a learner’s employer at the start of the learning programme.
Provider Delivery (LP63) An identifier code for the provider delivering all of a learning programme to this learner through a subcontracted arrangement.
2nd tier Provider (LP81) An identifier code for the provider delivering the entire learning programme to this learner through a second tier subcontractor arrangement.
SIC 2007 5 digit (LP64) Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007) of employer at a 5 digit level.
SIC 2007 (LP65) Null return from 2012.
Sector Frwk 2011 (LP66) Sector framework being followed from 2011 onwards.
Level HQ Welsh Lang (LP67) Level of highest Welsh language qualification achieved prior to learning programme (CQFW equivalent).
Length of Employ (LP68) The length of time that a learner has been with the same employer prior to commencing the learning programme.
Est Centre Hours (LP69) Estimated centre based hours at the beginning of the learning programme.
Est Work Hours (LP70) Estimated work based hours at the beginning of the learning programme.
Act Centre Hours (LP71) Recording the actual centre based hours at the end of the learning programme.
Act Work Hours (LP72) Recording the actual work based hours at the end of the learning programme.
Prog Start Date (LP73) Recording the start date of the learning programme.
Learn Prog Code (LP74) Learning programme code being followed from 2014 onwards.
Learning Prog Ref (LP75) Identifier for learning programmes.
LLDD Indicator (LP76) Additional learning support arising from additional learning needs.
Exp Prog End Date (LP77) Expected end date of the learning programme.
Household Status (LP78) The household status of the learner at the start of the programme.
Immediate Destination (LP79) Destination of learner within four weeks of completing the programme.
Caring Responsibilities (LP80) To identify if the learner has caring responsibilities
Apprentice Levy Ind (LP82) To identify whether an employer contributes to the apprenticeship levy.
GDPR (LP83) To record learner consent in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulations.
Expected Asynchronous Hours (LP84) The total estimated non-tutor-led hours for the entire Learning Programme.
Expected Synchronous Hours (LP85) The total estimated tutor-led hours for the entire Learning Programme.
Actual Asynchronous Hours (LP86) The total actual non-tutor-led hours rendered for the entire Learning Programme.
Actual Synchronous Hours (LP87) The total actual tutor-led hours rendered for the entire Learning Programme.
Welsh Medium Percentage (LP88) Welsh/bilingual medium delivery indicator at programme level (that is: the percentage of the programme that is delivered in Welsh).
Essential Skills Dispensation (LP89) Adjustment for the minimum requirement on English, maths or both upon assessment.
  1. Click OK to confirm the changes.

    The learning programme record is updated.