Pending Exam Entries
Use the Pending Exam Entries screen to add pending exam entries to the selected exam.
To add pending exam entries to an exam:
Select Pending Exam Entries from the Grids pane.
Use the Condition Builder to search for pending exam entries.
A list of learners available to add to the chosen examination is displayed.
If required, you can navigate to the Learner Details or Grids screens relating to a pending exam entry by right-clicking on the relevant record and using the Go To functionality. Refer to Use the Go To Functionality for further information.
Select a row in the grid to display the details of the pending exam entry.
The fields in the Pending Exam Entry Details section are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Include? | Whether the pending entry is included in the exam. |
Board Code | The exam board code. |
Board Name | The exam board name. |
Board Type | The exam board type. |
Board Occurrence | The user-defined exam board occurrence code. |
Exam Code | The user-definable exam code for this examination, subject, paper, and so on. |
Exam Name | The user-definable exam name for this examination, subject, paper, and so on. |
Course Code | The course code. |
Group | The candidate's tutor group. |
Progress Code | The enrolment progress status of the learner on their course which leads to this exam. |
Exam Date | The date of the exam. |
Exam Type | The exam type (for example: GCSE). |
Funding Year | The funding year to which this pending exam entry relates to. |
Person Code | The candidate's person code, as defined in ebs: central. |
Person Name | The candidate's name. |
Date of Birth | The candidate's date of birth. |
Has Special Exam Needs | Whether the candidate has special exam needs. |
Has Learning Aim | Whether the candidate has a learning aim. |
Late Entry | Whether the candidate's entry is late. |
Select the Include? check box in either the grid or the Pending Exam Entry Details section of the relevant entry to include it in the exam.
To include all of the learners displayed in the grid, select a checked cell in the Include? column and click the Flood Fill button on the Exams Manager ribbon.
- Click the Save button to save the inclusion(s). The Exam Entries screen is displayed for the chosen exam criteria.