03 March 2025

GCE/GCSE Generate Candidate Numbers

Use the Generate Candidate Numbers and UCI screen to automatically generate candidate numbers and Unique Candidate Identifiers (UCIs) for GCE/GCSE examination boards. The process can be run more than once and you can choose whether you want to clear existing candidate numbers.

Select GCE/GCSE Generate Candidate Numbers from the Process pane.

GCE/GCSE Generate Candidate Numbers Option

The Generate GCE/GCSE Candidate Number and UCI screen is displayed.

Generate GCE/GCSE Candidate Number and UCI Screen

The fields on the Generate GCE/GCSE Candidate Number and UCI screen are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Board Code The examination board code for which candidate numbers are to be generated.
Centre Code The exam centre code for the board.
Exam Entry From Date The entry date to create or clear candidate numbers from (for example: if a user enters 01/09/2018, only exam entries with an entry date on or after this date will be included in the generation or clearance process).
Exam Entry To Date The entry date to create candidate numbers from (for example: if a user enters 01/09/2019, only exam entries with an entry date on or before this date will be included in the generation process). This is useful if you want to clear down candidate numbers each academic year.
Generation Start No. The start number from which the process should commence. If the field is left blank, the start number is 1.

From the Generate GCE/GCSE Candidate Number and UCI screen, you can: