Import and Validation Errors
There are a number of things which cause the import process to generate error or warnings.
The following types of errors can occur:

The following import errors may occur:
Missing board occurrence
When an import is attempted, the system checks that the board occurrence specified matches the data held in the import file.
Screen display warnings
When an import has been run and the data is displayed in the data grid, the system uses colour coding to identify different types of error and warning.
A cell with a red background indicates that the data does not exist in the database, while a cell with a yellow background indicates that the data does not exist or that there are missing mappings (for example: exam grades).

The following results imports validation errors and warnings may occur:
- Error - No Entry for <Candidate Number> against <Exam>
- Cause - the system cannot find a record in exam entries for the candidate number on the exam for the given board occurrence
- Solution - check the board occurrence passed in the results import page is correct, or check the candidate has not been withdrawn without the exam board being informed
- Error - No Exam Code for <Exam Submission Ref>
- Cause - the system cannot find an exam detail record with the specified submission reference
- Solution - check the submission reference has not been deleted by mistake or overwritten for the relevant exam and check the exam submission reference matches the one detailed in the error.
- Error - No grade found for <grade> in reference data. First Grade not updated for <Candidate Number> against <Exam>
- Cause - the system cannot find the grade in the Exam Grades reference data for the GCE/GCSE board type, or the board equivalent for the grade does not match what is being returned by the board, therefore it cannot update the grade for the candidates exam entry as detailed
- Solution - create the grade in the Exam Grades reference data option and populate the correct board equivalent or check the board equivalent against the relevant grade.
- Warning - Mark or UMS value for <Candidate Number> > Max mark/UMS value for <Exam>
- Cause – the value in the import record is greater than that specified as the maximum for the exam
- Solution – check the values in the exam details record and the results record, and correct the incorrect value if possible
The import results process can be re-run as many times as required until all the errors have been resolved. When the process is re-run, it overwrites any previous result that has been imported into the fields detailed earlier.