03 March 2025

Import an Exam File

To import a file:

  1. Click the Open File button on the Exam Processes ribbon to display the Open window.

    Open File Button

  2. Select the file that you want to import and click the Open button.

    Open Window

    If the file is supported, it will be displayed on the Imports page.

    Imports Page

    Information about the file is displayed in the top panel, and differs by import type.

    Certain basedata imports require that you complete a number of settings and options prior to import.

    The Import Data panel displays all the records contained in the import file.

  3. Use the Condition Builder to filter the required records to import.

  4. Click the Select All and Deselect All buttons to select or deselect all the records currently displayed in the Import Data panel.

    Select All and Deselect All Buttons

    Alternatively, select individual records or groups of records using the check boxes adjacent to each record.

    Check Boxes

  5. When the required records have been selected, click the Import Data button on the Exam Processes ribbon.

    Import Data Button

    The Import Data button is greyed out until at least one record is selected.

    The Performing Bulk Operation window is displayed.

    Importing Records Window

    On completion, the following message is displayed.

    Save Import Changes Window

  6. Click the Save changes button to save the exam imports.

    A confirmation window is displayed.

    Import Completed Window

  7. Click the OK button.

    The selected exams are imported into the Exams module.

    The data imported varies by exam board.

    The Exams Import module will notify you of the outcome and log the import process activities and results so that they can track what has been done, as follows:

    • On saving imported data, a summary of the outcome is displayed on screen
    • On saving imported data, a record is made of the type of import, who performed it, when it was performed, how many records were imported, how many failed to import, reasons for failed imports, which ebs tables were updated and how many records were created/updated in each
    • Information is recorded in the Message logs tables. There are two types of record created:
      • Summary - record the overall outcome of the process
      • Error - record errors encountered when processing individual rows of the import file

    Successfully imported rows are not recorded.

    There are three batch types for exam imports: