03 March 2025

Employment & Placements Screen

Use the Employment & Placements screen (accessed from the Employment & Placements tab in the left-hand pane) to maintain employment and work placement records for the current learner.

You can also record work placement information on the Work Placements screen. Refer to Manage Work Placements for further information.

Employment & Placements screen

The Employment & Placements grid displays organisation unit relationships for the learner from the ORG_UNIT_PEOPLE table (that is: this is restricted to records where the type is Employee or Work Placement).

When a record is added in the new Employment & Placements grid, you can add an associated work placement or employment record to collect additional data for the ILR return. Selecting an existing record in the Employment & Placements grid displays further details of the employment or placement in a grid at the bottom of the screen. The grid that is displayed is dependent on the relationship type as follows:

  • Selecting a record with a relationship type of Employee displays the Learner Employment grid

    Learner Employment Grid

  • Selecting a record with a relationship type of Placement displays the Work Placements grid

    Work Placements Grid

On the Employment & Placements screen, you can: