03 March 2025

Funding and Monitoring Window

The Funding and Monitoring window is accessed by clicking the FAM button on the Enrolment ribbon.

FAM button

The Funding and Monitoring window is displayed.

Funding and Monitoring window

From this window you can manage a learner’s FAM records, creating multiple instances of the LDFAM types ACT (Apprenticeship Contract Type), ALB (Loan Bursary) and LSF (Learner Support Funding).

To create a learner FAM record, click the Add button. You can also delete and duplicate records by clicking the appropriate button.

The FAM window consists of the following fields.

ebs field Holds this information... XML Tag
Enrolment Details The learner enrolment. Choose from a list of enrolments associated with the learner. Not applicable
Learning Aim The course learning aim. This will automatically populate to the default learning aim. If there is more than one default learning aim, it will default to the first. If there is no default Aim for the course of the selected enrolment you must select one. LearnAimRef
FAM Type

The FAM Type code. Select from:

  • ACT - Apprenticeshp Contract Type
  • ALB - Loan Bursary
  • LSF - Support Funding
FAM Value

The value of the FAM. The value that can be added to this field depends on the FAM type for the record.

If the FAM type is ACT, you can select from the following options:

  • Apprenticeship delivered through a contract for services with the employer
  • Apprenticeship delivered through a contract for services with the Skills Funding Agency

If the FAM type is set to ALB you can select from the following options:

  • Advanced Learner Loan Bursary funding - rate 1
  • Advanced Learner Loan Bursary funding - rate 2
  • Advanced Learner Loan Bursary funding - rate 3

If the FAM type is set to LSF the only possible value is Y, which denotes that the learner is in receipt of Learner Support Funding.

Date From Date this funding and monitoring instance applies from. LearnDelFAMDateFrom
Date To Date this funding and monitoring instance applies to. LearnDelFAMDateTo
Include in ILR Whether the outcome will be included in the ILR return. Not applicable