03 March 2025

Prior Levels Screen

Use the Prior Levels screen (accessed from the Prior Level Details tab in the left-hand Learner pane) to manage prior attainment records.

Prior Level Details tab

The Prior Levels screen contains a grid with fields that are described in the following table.

Field Contains this information...
Prior Level The level achieved by the learner prior to entry.

The learner's 'Start Date' for the relevant enrolment record.

You can populate this field with the 'Start Date' for the relevant learner’s enrolment record, available on the View on Enrolments window

Date Archived The date archived. This field is for institution use only.
Include in ILR Whether to include the record in the ILR.
Confirmed Whether the record is confirmed. This field is for institution use only.
Created Date The date the record was created.
Created BY The user that created the record.
Updated Date The date the record was updated.
Updated By The user that updated the record.
Fes User 1 - 8 FES User Field 1 - 8.

Use the Options section of the Learner ribbon to manage the records.

Options buttons

The prior level details buttons are described in the following table.

This button Does this...
Refresh Refreshes the Prior Levels grid.
Add Adds a new record to the Prior Levels grid.
Delete Deletes the selected record(s) from the Prior Levels grid.
Discard Changes Discards changes made to the Prior Levels grid.