Special Details Screen
The Special Details screen enables you to make changes to the default values which a learner aim record will adopt when the ILR generation process is run.
If the Use Special Details check box is selected, then the data entered on the Special Details screen will be used in the ILR generation process, rather than the process just using the default values from course Learning Aims.
Special details are funding year specific and so will need to be re-entered each year.
The active (that is: not redundant) fields for the Special Details screen are described in the following table.
ebs field | Holds this information... | XML Tag |
Use Special Details | Use Special Details functionality. | Not applicable |
Register Start Date |
This date is used to set the Start Date of a Register and the Start Date of a Learner_Aim when:
Changes are not cascaded to the Learner_Planned Start Date. Refer to ILR Changes for 4.30 for further information. |
LearnStartDate |
Register End Date |
This date is used to set the End Date of a Register and also the Planned End Date of a Learner_Aim when:
Changes are not cascaded to the Learner_Aims Planned End Date. Refer to ILR Changes for 4.30 for further information. |
LearnPlanEndDate |
Mode of Attendance | The attendance type. | Not applicable |
Number of Hours | The number of hours of attendance. | Not applicable |
Number of Weeks | The number of weeks of attendance. | Not applicable |
Possible Hours | The possible number of hours of attendance. | Not applicable |
Funding Year | The funding year of the outcome. | Not applicable |
Student Type | Displays a list of types from the Special Defaults reference data. If you select an option from the list, the value from the reference data for the Funding Model will be applied to the funding Special Details field of the same name. | Not applicable |
Funding Model | Identifies the funding model to be applied when calculating funding for the course’s learning aim. | FundModel |
Planned Hours | The sum of the planned hours entered into Learning Aims (UIO_Qual_Aims.Planned_Hours) and Special Details (People_Units_Special.Planned_Hours), for the funding year. | Planned_Hours |
Off The Job Actual Training Hours | Training hours off the job. | OTJActHours |
ILR Aims Special Start Date |
The date on which learning for the Learning Aim began. This date has the highest precedence when generating Learner_Aims and Specific Programme Aims. If cascading is enabled, the Learner_Aims Start Date will be updated. |
LearnStartDate |
ILR Aims Special End Date |
The date on which learning for the Learning Aim is planned to end. This date has the highest precedence when generating Learner_Aims and Specific Programme Aims. If cascading is enabled, the Learner_Aims Planned End Date will be updated. |
LearnPlanEndDate |
Planned Learning Hours | Total planned timetabled hours for learning activities for the teaching year. | PlanLearnHours |
Planned EEP Hours | Total planned employability, enrichment and pastoral activity hours for the teaching year. | PlanEEPHours |
Funding Source 1 | The first ILR Funding Source for the Learner Aim. | LearnDelFAMType SOF |
ASL Provision Type | Monitors the provision type for learning aims in this sector. | LearnDelFAMType ASL |
ER Enhanced Funding | Calculates funding and monitor eligibility for enhanced funding for apprenticeships. | LearnDelFAMType EEF |
Learner Aim Restarted | Whether the learner has restarted the learning aim. | LearnDelFAMType RES |
Workplace Learning | To identify whether the programme or learning aim is classified as workplace learning. | LearnDelFAMType WPL (Not Applicable) |
Advanced Learner Loan | To identify whether the learning aim is financed by a 24+ Advanced Learning Loan. | LearnDelFAMType ADL |
Funding Adjustment (RPL) | The proportion of this learning aim still to be delivered. | PriorLearnFundAdj |
Other Funding Adjustment | The factor used to adjust the funding to which the learner is entitled for this aim. | OtherFundAdj |
Contract Reference Number | The reference number, assigned by the Skills Funding Agency, for an element of the contract. | ConRefNumber |
Orig. Learn. Start Date | The date on which the learner first started the learning aim. | OrigLearnStartDate |
Aim Type | The type of aim recorded. | AimType |
Family English Maths and Language | Data on participation in regulated Family English, Maths and Language (FEML) courses that are delivered through the Adult Skills Budget. | LearnDelFAMType FLN |
Programme Type | The type of programme which the learner is undertaking. | ProgType |
Sector Framework | The sector framework of learning related to the course's learner aim. | FworkCode |
Pathway | The pathway of the Apprenticeship framework being undertaken. | PwayCode |
Apprenticeship Standard Code | The apprenticeship standard code for the learning being undertaken. | StdCode |
Endpoint Assessment Organisation | The identifier for the organisation that will be carrying out the end point assessment for the standard. | EPAOrgID |
End point Assessm' date (Prog Aims ONLY) | The end point assessment date. | Not applicable |
USE EPA Date (Prog Aims ONLY) |
Whether to use the End Point Assessm' date for the Programme Aim Achievement date. |
Not applicable |
Cohort Reference Number | The reference number assigned against an apprenticeship enrolment used to match the learner back into the Apprenticeship Service. | Not applicable |
Excl Learn & EEP Hrs | Select this check box to exclude any planned learner hours being associated with a learner’s ILR record. | LearnDelFAMType FSI (Not Applicable) |
Partner UKPRN | The organisation unit code for the Subcontracted/Partnership UKPRN for the course's Learner aim. | PartnerUKPRN |
Additional Delivery Hours | The number of additional guided learning hours required for the course's learning aim. | AddHours |
Delivery Location | The location of the address at which the learning is delivered. | DelLocPostCode |
Delivery PCode 1/2 | The postcode of the address at which the learning is delivered. | DelLocPostCode |
Household Situation 1-2 | Information about the household situation of the learner. | LearnDelFAMType HHS |
National Monitor 1-6 | The national learning aim monitoring code to indicate participation in programmes or initiatives. | LearnDelFAMType LDM |
Dev Area Mon 1-6 | An indication of participation in programmes or initiatives in devolved areas. | LearnDelFAMType DAM |
End Reason | The reason why the learner has withdrawn from the learning aim. | WithdrawReason |
Tailored Learning Outcome | The desired outcome for the learner, such as 1 - Increased Confidence. | Not applicable |