03 March 2025

LA1 - Aims Tab

There are five tabs that relate to the learning aim. The first of these is the LA1 - Aims tab.

LA1 - Aims tab

The fields on the tab are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Funding Year The ILR funding year that the Learner aim relates to.
Aim Type Used by Curriculum Planner when no Learning Aim exists.
Learning Aim The ILR Learner aim code. Click the Search button to display the Qualification Aim Search window, which can be used to search for the correct ILR Learner aim.
Differentiator The unique number to differentiate between two of the same Learner Aims. System generated.
Description A user defined description for the Learner Aim if required.
Funding Model The ILR Funding Model for the Learner Aim.
Funding Source The first ILR Funding Source for the Learner Aim.
Programme Type The ILR Programme Type for this Learning Aim.
Partner UKPRN The organisation unit code for the Subcontracted/Partnership UKPRN for the Learner aim.
Default Learning Aim A check box to restrict Learner Aims being created during the ILR generation process.
Match Funded Whether to generate an ESF dataset for this UIOQA.
Subject Code Tier 1 The Subject Code Tier 1 from LARS.
Subject Code Tier 2 The Subject Code Tier 2 from LARS.
Maytas E-Track Whether to indicate this record is part of Maytas E-Track.
Workplace Learning Whether the programme or learning aim is classified as workplace learning as defined in the Skills Funding Agency’s funding rules.
Default for Loan Applications Whether the learner aim is to be used for loan-funded courses.