03 March 2025

LA2 - Aims Tab

The LA2 - Aims tab is a continuation of fields relating to the aim.

LA2 - Aims tab

The fields on the tab are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Sector Framework The sector framework of learning related to this learner aim.
App Pathway The apprenticeship pathway code.
Start Date The start date for learners studying this Learning Aim.
End Date The end date for learners studying this Learning Aim.
Additional Delivery Hours The number of additional guided learning hours required for the learning aim.
Contract Ref Number The reference number, assigned by the Skills Funding Agency, for an element of the contract.
Employer Identifier The identifier of the employer that employs the learner, or the learner is placed with at start of learning for this aim.
Nat Monitor 1-6 The national learning aim monitoring code to indicate participation in programmes or initiatives.
Dev Area Mon 1-6 Indication of participation in programmes or initiatives in devolved areas.
Aim Years The number of years normally expected to complete the learning aim. Used in Curriculum Planning.
Expected Length of Study Redundant field.
National Skills Academy To identify delivery of learning by a National Skills Academy.
ASL Provider Type The ILR ASL Provider Type to identify the Adult Safeguarded Learning (ASL) activity being undertaken.
Work Prog Participation Learning aims that are delivered as part of a DWP Work Programme.
Family English Maths and Lang Data on participation in regulated Family English, Maths and Language (FEML) courses that are delivered through the Adult Skills Budget.
Percentage Online Delivery The proportion of the curriculum design (scheme of work) delivered by computer mediated activity rather than by a lecturer. This is activity which replaces face to face lecturing time and not time spent on researching information on the web.
Apprenticeship Standard Code An identifier to show which apprenticeship standard the learner is undertaking.
Endpoint Assessment Organisation The identifier for the organisation that will be carrying out the end point assessment for the apprenticeship standard.