Output ILR
This option will create an ILR Output file for the learning types specified. You can create partial ILR return output files containing different combinations of learning types to output and validate (and if required, return to the SFA) a subset of the ILR records for Funding Year 2017/18 onwards.
The data processing settings which have been set are not applied to the output process, which only uses the selected funding year in the ribbon.
You can also create an ILR output file from the Aims tab in ILR Manager by using the Output ILR button on the ribbon.
You can select any combination of learning types for inclusion in the output file. Clicking the Select none link will output all data for the selected funding year (that is: clicking this link will deselect all learning types if any are selected).
Learners that are 15-years-old when they start an apprenticeship are included in the partial ILR return for 16-18 funded apprenticeships (that is: when the 16-18 Funded Apprenticeships check box is selected). This output will include learners that were 15-18 based on the earliest of the learning start date and original start date of any programmes and aims.
The Restrict Organisations field enables you to select to restrict the output of ILR records by owning or offering organisations set in Curriculum.
Restrictions set respect the hierarchy of organisation units set up in the ORG_UNIT_LINKS table (that is: selecting a parent organisation will include all courses owned by child departments, while selecting a child department will only include the courses owned by that department). This process uses the association of learner aims to courses (UIOs) which have offering or owning organisation fields populated with an organisation. In order to successfully return previous year’s ESF records for the selected organisation, the UIOs associated with these records will also need to have their owning or offering organisation fields populated with the same value as in the current year.
The Restrict to enrolments by organisation field enables you to select an organisation unit to process data for a specific organisation only and restrict the output of ILR records to those that are linked to enrolments on courses.
The options in the drop-down list depend on whether the user selects to restrict by owning or offering organisations. When this value has been specified, if the organisation selected has a value specified for the UKPRN to override that specified in Institution Settings, this UKPRN is displayed against the selected organisation.
The Only include Aims starting on or before enables you to restrict the output of ILR records to only include aim records from the date set. By default this date is the current system date.
The Return file Sequence Number to be used in the output file name and header/footer is specified in the field below. This will default to the last-used number but can be changed where required.
The Validate Using FIS? check box enables you to automatically send the return file to the FIS application to be validated. If this is set and the output is run, a FIS command prompt will display where you can see the progress of the output being validated.
A scheduled output cannot be created if the Validate Using FIS? check box is set.