Update Source Data
You can edit records and select to save changes in the ILR and Aims grids in ILR Manager so they update the source data in the corresponding learner and enrolment records. This means you can bypass the value set in the Align people and learner ILR data and Align enrolment special details and learner aim data cascading ILR institution settings to update the source records.
The Update Source button is available on the ILR Commands ribbon from which you can set that changes made update source data on saving. This button is not selected by default and is cleared after a save has been performed if selected so it does not remain set and needs to be explicitly selected each time.
You must have the Update ILR Source Data on Save and/or Administrator roles assigned from the ebs: central ILR group in User Management to access the Update Source button.
This is a toggle setting which turns the Update Source button on and off, with the button highlighted in orange when the setting is on.