Applications Institution Settings

The Applications screen contains the institution settings for use in the Applications module.

Applications institution settings

The fields on the Applications screen are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Allow multiple offers against courses

Whether more than one offer can be made against a learner application.

If set to N, if you try to add more than one offer for an application, an error message is displayed.

Automatically convert optional child applications Whether optional child units are converted to enrolments.
Notification for applications (ebs: central) Whether learners are emailed when creating applications. This is set to N by default.
Interview events are automatically extended Whether when updates are made to application interviews in ebs: central (for example: time, date and so on), the interview events in ebs: shape are automatically updated also.
Interview Message Return Email Address The return email address to be used for interview message emails.
Default application progress code The default application progress code to be used when creating new application records.
Who to pay The default who to pay code (that is: who is responsible for the debt) to be used when creating new application records.
Applications current year start date By typing, or using the calendar select the date when you will begin to accept applications.
Applications current year end date By typing, or using the calendar select the last date on which you will accept applications.
Notify of application offer when progress code matches

The default application progress code to use to notify a learner when an offer is made.

Note: These fields are used for sending notifications to the Engage application. However, you can add a custom workflow to configure the notifications to send emails to learners using the relevant email template.

Notify of application declined when progress code matches

The default application progress code to use to notify a learner when an offer is rejected.

Note: These fields are used for sending notifications to the Engage application. However, you can add a custom workflow to configure the notifications to send emails to learners using the relevant email template.

Allow learners to re-apply for courses they have withdrawn applications from

Whether learners can re-apply for courses that they have withdrawn from in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub.

Note: This defaults to 'N'.

Default Interview status for non-attendance The default status for non-attendance of an interview.
Applicable to institutions in the United Kingdom onlyMaintain Application after converting to Enrolment Whether to maintain application records after converting to an enrolment.
Applicable to institutions in the United Kingdom onlyDefault progress code for maintained converted applications The default application progress code to be used for maintained converted applications.
Applicable to institutions in New Zealand onlyCompleted application progress code The default completed application progress code to be used when completing application records.
Applicable to institutions in New Zealand onlyCheck entry requirements met Whether entry requirements should be met on applications.

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