Fees and Payments Institution Settings

The Fees and Payments screen contains the institution settings for course fees in the Enrolments module.

Fees and Payments institution settings screen

The fields on the Fees and Payments screen are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Fee Description Template… The fee description template to determine how to generate the course fee description on the Payments screen. Enter a combination of codes to determine the fee description. Each abbreviation (for example: FT) can be typed into the box to arrive at the fee description required from the abbreviations available.
Default value for ‘Include by default’ in fee values Whether to set the ‘Include by Default’ flag in the UIO Fees screen.
Default waiver calculation criteria

The default calculation criteria. Select from the following:

  • Charge absolute fee
  • Charge percentage of fee
  • Reduce by absolute discount
  • Reduce by percentage
  • Zero fee
Default waiver rounding method

The default waiver rounding method. Select from the following:

  • Round down
  • Round to nearest
  • Round up
Overlapping waivers method

The default overlapping waivers method. Select from the following:

  • Overlapping waivers allowed
  • Overlapping waivers not allowed
  • Warn user if overlapping waivers
Waiver attachment method

The default waiver attachment method. Select from the following:

  • Apply all waivers cumulatively (no override)
  • Default all waivers as cumulative
  • Force default cumulative and waiver order (no override)
  • No restrictions
Age-based waiver date comparison method

The default age-based waiver date comparison method. Select from the following:

  • Course occurrence start date
  • Do not use age-based defaults
  • Institution settings reference date
  • Today
Current financial year start The start date of the institution’s financial year. This can be used to filter fee and receipt records in the payments area of ebs. Applying the filter will show fees and receipts dated between these two dates.
Current financial year end The end date of the institution’s financial year. This can be used to filter fee and receipt records in the payments area of ebs. Applying the filter will show fees and receipts dated between these two dates.
Fees can be unmatched Whether fees can be unmatched.
Allow editing of fees

Whether fees can be edited.

Note: Must be set to Y if it is necessary to split fees. If allowed, edits always creates a reversal of the original entry.

Allow edit of matched fees Whether matched fees can be edited.
Allow edit of fees after trans

Whether fees that have been flagged as transferred to a finance system can be edited.

Note: This relates to rules for managing fees for transfer to external systems.

Allow editing of receipts

Whether receipts can be edited.

Note: If allowed, edits always creates a reversal of the original entry.

Allow editing of receipts assoc. with till

Whether receipts associated with a till can be edited.

Note: If allowed, edits always creates a reversal of the original entry.

Allow editing of receipts after trans

Whether receipts that have been flagged as transferred to a finance system can be edited.

Note: If allowed, edits always creates a reversal of the original entry.

Allow editing of receipts after z-read

Whether receipts that have been subject to a Z-read can be edited.

Note: If allowed, edits always creates a reversal of the original entry.

Allow deletion of unpaid fees

Whether users can delete unpaid fees. Select from the following:

  • Allow
  • Disallow
  • Execute as creation of reverse record.

Note: Deletion will only be allowed if the fee is totally unpaid.

Allow edit of partially matched receipts Whether receipts that have been partially matched can be edited.
Allow deletion of fees trans

Whether users can delete fees that have been flagged as transferred to a finance system. Select from the following:

  • Allow
  • Disallow
  • Execute as creation of reverse rec.

Note: This relates to rules for managing fees for transfer to external systems.

Allow deletion of matched fees

Whether users can delete matched fees.

Note: If this is set to Y, a matched fee can be deleted. The related receipt detail records will be fully deleted.

Allow deletion of unmatched receipts

Whether users can delete unmatched receipts. Select from the following:

  • Allow
  • Disallow
  • Execute as creation of reverse rec.

Note: Receipts can only be deleted if fully unmatched.

Allow deletion of receipt assoc with till

Whether users can delete receipts associated with a till. Select from the following:

  • Allow
  • Disallow
  • Execute as creation of reverse rec.

Note: Receipts can only be deleted if fully unmatched.

Allow deletion of receipts trans

Whether users can delete receipts that have been flagged as transferred to a finance system. Select from the following:

  • Allow
  • Disallow
  • Execute as creation of reverse rec.

Note: This relates to rules for managing receipts for transfer to external systems.

Allow deletion of receipts after z-read

Whether delete receipts that have been included in a Z-read. Select from the following:

  • Allow
  • Disallow
  • Execute as creation of reverse rec.

Note: Even when flagged to allow, receipts can only be deleted when not matched against a fee, in either whole or in part.

Allow deletion of matched receipts

Whether users can delete matched receipts.

Note: If this is set to Y, a matched receipt can be deleted. The receipt detail records will be fully deleted and the receipt header will have a reversal record created.

Allow cancellation of receipts

Whether users can cancel receipts.

Note: If this is set to Y, a receipt can be cancelled. The cancellation of a receipt will cause a reversal receipt record to be created for the receipt header and the receipt details.

Action taken for resubmitted ePayment

The action taken for a resubmitted ePayment. Select from the following:

  • Decline old epayment
  • Delete old epayment
  • Reuse old epayment

Note: Where an ePayment is resubmitted, the original payment will be set to a status of either declined or deleted, unless the Reuse old epayment option is selected.

Do ePayments have to be fully matched? Whether ePayments have to be fully matched.
Prefix for Invoices The prefix to use for invoices.
User can edit standard fee column

Whether users can edit the standard fee column.

Note: If this is set to Y, the user is allowed to edit the Standard Fee field on the Edit Fees screen. Generally should be set to N.

Allow super user edit of matched fees Whether the super user can edit matched fees.
Allow super user edit of receipts Whether the super user can edit receipts.
Allow super user edit of partially matched receipts Whether the super user can edit partially matched receipts.
Fee Deletion Role Override

The fee deletion role override action. Select from the following:

  • Allow deletion
  • Execute as reversal of rec.

Note: If a user has been given the fees super user role then this setting will determine the action that a deletion will instigate.

Receipt number prefix User defined prefix to use for auto generated receipt numbers.
Receipts require till number Whether receipts must have a till number.
Cascade Fee Changes Whether to cascade fee changes.
Cascade Fee Changes to Active Occurrences Whether to cascade fee changes to Active occurrences.
Cascade Fee Changes to Withdrawn Occurrences Whether to cascade fees changes to Withdrawn occurrences.
Cascade Fee Changes from Price Bands to Curriculum Whether to cascade fee changes from Price Bands to Curriculum.
Default Financials Report The default financials report. Select from the drop-down list.
Can super user edit receipts transferred to finance system Whether super users can edit receipts transferred to a finance system.
Applicable to institutions in the United Kingdom onlyAllow editing of enrolment data after fees have matched receipts Whether users can edit enrolment data after fees have matched receipts.
Applicable to institutions in New Zealand onlyDefault age (in days) for a fee to be flagged in 'unpaid' searches (Enrolment Client) The fee description template allows you to determine how to generate the course fee description in the payments screen. Enter a combination of codes to determine the fee description. Each abbreviation (for example: FT) can be typed into the box to arrive at the fee description required from the abbreviations available.
Applicable to institutions in New Zealand onlyGenerate fees automatically Whether fees are generated automatically.
Applicable to institutions in New Zealand onlyRounding method for fees calculations

The rounding method for fees calculations. Select from the following:

  • Round half away from zero
  • Round half towards zero
Applicable to institutions in New Zealand onlyOnly allow payment of invoiced fees Whether only invoiced fees can be paid.
Applicable to institutions in New Zealand onlyAllow NZQA export when learner has outstanding debt Whether a record should be included in an NZQA export when a learner has an outstanding debt.
Applicable to institutions in New Zealand onlyAllow open refunds

Whether users can perform open refunds.

Note: The user must be assigned the appropriate roles to perform refunds.

Applicable to institutions in New Zealand onlyAllow open credit notes

Whether users can issue credit notes.

Note: The user must be assigned the appropriate roles to issue credit notes.

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