03 March 2025

LNAAT Institution Settings

The institution settings for managing the LNAAT integration functionality are defined on the LNAAT screen.

LNAAT institution settings screen

The fields on the LNAAT screen are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
LNAAT ESL Authentication URL The LNAAT Education Sector Login authentication URL.
LNAAT Look Back Period (Days) The number of days in the past to upload or download LNAAT changes for.
LNAAT Period To Wait Between Subsequent Result Downloads (Days) The number of days that the system waits to check for any changed result data.
LNAAT Education Sector Provider Number A four-digit number to identify the sector provider.
LNAAT Client ID The LNAAT client ID.
LNAAT Client Secret The LNAAT client secret.