MIAP/LRS Institution Settings
The MIAP/LRS screen contains the institution settings for use in the MIAP LRS module.
The fields on the MIAP/LRS screen are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
MIAP Registration Start Date | The start date to be used for the MIAP registration. |
MIAP Web Service URL |
The web address for the MIAP web service:
This is preset and should not be changed unless specifically advised. |
Secondary address type used for overseas students | MIAP requires a UK postcode. This option specifies the address type to look at for a UK postcode for overseas learners. |
Ignore enrolment status |
Whether to restrict enrolled learners by enrolment status. Previously, learners whose status was not Active were not displayed on the Incomplete MIAP Data tab with the MIAP LRS module. Consequently, only learners with an Active status were handled. Other statuses were not shown in the MIAP Error Browser or as users to be processed by MIAP. If set to Y, all learners who are enrolled on courses that have an end date after 01/09/2013 are shown in the Error Browser, irrespective of status, and are subsequently included in the MIAP process. |
The default value for LRS_ ABILITY_TO_SHARE field |
The default value for the Ability to Share field in MIAP. Select from the following:
The default value for the LRS_ VERIFICATION_TYPE field | The default value for the Verification Type field in MIAP. These are different types of evidence that you may be presented with when processing ULNs (for example: passport, driving licence, national insurance card, and so on). |