Ontrack Institution Settings

The Ontrack screen contains the institution settings for use in ebs: ontrack Hub.

Ontrack screen

The fields on the Ontrack screen are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Current year start This is not applicable in ebs: ontrack Hub.
Current year end This is not applicable in ebs: ontrack Hub.
Default current year? This is not applicable in ebs: ontrack Hub.
Default active only? Whether to only show active records.
Default to accessible mode Whether to set the interface by default to accessible mode.
Enable One-Click register marking? Whether eRegisters in ebs: ontrack Hub can be marked with a single mouse click to quickly populate the default positive or negative mark for learner records.
Ontrack Hub online help URL

The website that is accessed when a user clicks the Online Help button in ebs: ontrack Hub.

Note: If the field is left blank, the Online Help button is not displayed.

Default for progress date

Select Current date from the drop-down to set the progress date for progressions to the current date.

Select Last attendance date from the drop-down to set the progress date for progressions to the date of the last positive attendance mark for the learner on a given enrolment.

Note: This will be set to Current date as default.

Home ribbon launches ontrack Hub If set to Y, the Agent button on the home ribbon in ebs: central will open ebs: ontrack Hub. If not, ebs: Agent will open.
Ontrack Hub URL The ebs: ontrack Hub URL.
Show Ontrack icon on Home ribbon

Whether to display the ontrack icon on the Home ribbon in ebs: central. This defaults to 'Y'.

Note: This setting is hidden for cloud systems and is set to 'N'.

Show Ontrack in Central Learner details

Whether the Ontrack tab is displayed in the left-hand pane on the Learner screen. This is set to Y by default.

Note: You must also have the EBS4Agent5 licence and a primary role assigned to access the Ontrack tab.

Start time to use when viewing Ontrack timetables The start time used for ontrack timetables.
End time to use when viewing Ontrack timetables The end time used for ontrack timetables.
Audit all ontrack hub access? Whether to audit pages accessed by users in ebs: ontrack Hub. This is set to N by default.
Content-Security-Policy details-src directive A range of settings for the Content Security Policy.
Content-Security-Policy child-src directive
Content-Security-Policy style-src directive
Content-Security-Policy img-src directive
Content-Security-Policy script-src directive
Content-Security-Policy font-src directive
Content-Security-Policy connect-src directive
Content-Security-Policy frame-src directive
Content-Security-Policy frame-ancestors directive
Content-Security-Policy report-uni directive
HTML sanitization allowed attributes

A comma separated list of html attributes.

Note: class is the default value as this is needed for the reports list page

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