03 March 2025

ePayments (Staff) Institution Settings

The ePayments (Staff) screen contains the ePayment institution settings for the Enrolments and Organisation Management modules.

ePayments (ebs: Staff) institution settings screen

The fields on the ePayments (ebs: Staff) screen are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
ePayment Provider The electronic payment provider. Select from the drop-down list.
ePayment URL

The URL provided by the payment provider.

This field must include the URL of your payment provider.

Network User ID Prefix

The network user ID prefix.

The value entered is a prefix added to the member of staff's username for Civica Paylink (for example: if the institution setting (maximum 20 characters) contains 'TRIBAL\' then TRIBAL\<user.name> is transmitted). If this setting is blank, the member of staff's username is transmitted without the prefix.

Payment account id The payment account ID.
Payment account key The payment account key.
Payment Security Key The payment account ID.
Payment merchant reference The payment merchant reference.
Default payment email address The default payment email address.
Payment host ip address The payment host IP address.
Payment process allowed ip addresses – (empty=allow all) The payment process allowed IP address or leave blank to allow all.
The method of transfer that ebs: central uses for ePayments

The method of transfer ebs uses for ePayments. Select from the following:

  • Open in default browser - the ePayments page will be opened in the default browser
  • Display payment in pop up window - the ePayments page will be hosted in a pop-up window
UK Only use default account code for payments Whether to use the default account code ahead of any other entered account codes.
UK Default Account Code The default account code to be used for ePayments. Select from the drop-down list.
UK Field to use as payment booking reference

The field to use as the booking reference for payments. Select one of the following:


The COURSE_DESCRIPTION field is set as default.

UK Generate single fee line, use default account code and VAT code only (SCP Only)

Whether to generate a single fee line per course in a transaction (that is: create a fee line with the sub-total for each course rather than a line per fee per course).

This setting uses the account code set in the Default Account Code institution setting only.

UK Payment Account Fund Code The payment account fund code.
UK Only use default VAT code for payments

Whether to use the VAT code set in the Default VAT Code institution setting for Access PaySuite Pay 360 Secure Card Portal and Civica Paylink.

If this is set to N, the fee values/fee types are used to provide the VAT code. If neither of these are set, then the VAT code set in the Default VAT Code institution setting is used.

UK Default VAT code The default VAT code to use for Access PaySuite and Civica Paylink. .