03 March 2025

Add and Edit Charts

A chart dashboard can host multiple charts.

ebs intel dashboard

The chart ribbon hosts the chart function buttons.

Chart ribbon hosts the function buttons

These buttons are described in the following table.

Button Button name Does this...
Notifications button Notifications Displays the notification screen.
Full screen button Full Screen Expands the dimensions of the chart display to full screen.
Chart tools button Chart tools Expands the right sidebar menu, displaying further buttons.

The Chart Tools button reveals further buttons, described in the following table.

Button Button name Does this...
Back to top button Back to top Drill to the top of the chart.
Up one level button Up one level Drill up one level of a chart.
Full screen button Full screen Expands the dimensions of the chart display to full screen.
Refresh chart button Refresh chart Refreshes the data displayed in the chart.
Close button Close Closes the chart tools menu.
Chart information button Chart information Displays information about the chart.
Edit Chart button Edit chart Displays the chart screen.
Edit chart temporary filters button Edit chart temporary filters Displays the edit filters window.
Create new chart button Create new chart Adds a new chart to the dashboard.
Split top and bottom button Split top and bottom Splits the dashboard horizontally, adding a row style to the display.
Split left and right button Split left and right Splits the dashboard vertically, adding a column style to the display.
Remove cell button Remove cell Removes the chart cell from the display.
Remove cell button Replace chart from library Displays a list of available charts that can replace the current selection.
Download data button Download data Downloads chart data to CSV.
Export to PDF button Export to PDF Downloads chart data to PDF.
Export to Excel  button Export to Excel Downloads chart data to Excel.

Dashboards can be adjusted to host multiple charts, which can be edited to change the output colours and the display format and so on.

Charts created in ebs: intel can be displayed in ebs: ontrack Hub. Refer to Manage Controls for further information.