03 March 2025

Cascading Changes

A change is only cascaded if the original value is the same in both source and target tables. If that is not the case, it is assumed that the value was manually set in the target table to differ from the source table.

To realign the data, delete and regenerate the LLWR record from the learner/enrolment data, or manually edit one or both of the records so they have the same values.

The general settings for a learning activity are derived from the UIO learning aims associated with the course that the learner is enrolled on. Any conditions that are particular to the learner/enrolment should be recorded on the Special Details tab in Enrolments, which will override the values in the UIO learning aim record.

If any of the values are inconsistent between the UIO learning aims and their funding years, you can delete and regenerate a learning activity using the values on the Special Details tab. The resulting learning activity may include invalid values that are relevant to the validation year specified in special details but may no longer be relevant for the validation year being used to submit the LLWR return.