03 March 2025

LA2 - (LA19-LA36) Tab

LA2 tab

The fields on the LA2 - (LA19-LA36) tab are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Guided Hours (LA19) The number of teaching, instructional or assessment contact hours for this learning activity (rounded to a whole number).
Delivery Method (LA20) The main method by which the learning is delivered.
Subject of Learning (LA21) The Learndirect Classification System (LDCS) code for the subject of study.
Learning Credit Level (LA22) The credit level of this learning activity.
Learning Credit Value (LA23) The number of Credit and Qualification Framework Wales (CQFW) credits (10 notional learning hours) attributed to this learning activity.
Learning Hours (LA24) Not required, null return from 2012.
Medium Percentage (LA25) The percentage of time spent receiving learning in Welsh on this learning activity.
Type of Welsh Med of Learning (LA26) The type of delivery of Welsh medium or bilingual learning on this learning activity.
Franchise Percentage (LA27) Not required, null return from 2012.
Provider Delivery (LA28) The provider delivering the learning through a partnership/franchise/subcontracted arrangement.
Postcode of Site (LA29) The postcode of the site where the majority of the learning is delivered.
Special Fund 1 (LA32) Not required, null return from 2012.
Special Fund 2 (LA33)

The number of units taken by the learner towards this learning activity. This includes GNVQ/NVQ units being studied on a standalone basis or as an additional unit.

This only needs to be completed when a generic learning aim reference is recorded in the Learning Aim (LA06) field.

M.O.A Code (LA34)

Mode of delivery.

This is an optional field to assist processing for providers.

ESTYN Inspection (LA36) Not required, null return from 2013.
Maytas E-Track Select this check box to specify that the learning aim is included in the Maytas E-Track export.