03 March 2025

LA4 - (AW13-AW21) Tab

LA4 tab

The fields on the LA4 - (AW13-AW21) tab are described in the following table.

This field Holds this information...
Award Credit Value (AW13) The credit value of the award.
Award Credit Level (AW14) The award credit level (CQFW).
Award Type (AW15) The type of award.
Medium (AW16) The medium of assessment of the award.
Fund Rule 1 (AW17) The special rules for funding 1.
Fund Rule 2 (AW18) Not required, null return from 2012.
Award Subject (AW21)

The Learndirect Classification System (LDCS) code for subject of award.

Records submitted after 1 April 2015 will be cleared of any values by DfES and recorded as null in the database.