LLWR Generation Process
The recommended method of producing a LLWR return in the ebs: central is to run the LLWR generation option, and then to refine the learner, learning programme, learning activity records and so on in the main forms or the specialised LLWR wideboys.
The generation process uses the data recorded previously in the Reference Data, Curriculum, and Enrolments modules to generate learning programmes, learning activities, and the other LLWR dataset records for a learner. The generation process searches through all the people unit records to see which ones are of interest.
There are a number of key concepts for the LLWR generation process:
- The LLWR generation process in ebs: central checks through the enrolments not yet generated and generates the appropriate LLWR records for each learner enrolled since the process was last run. The amount of benefit to be derived from this process is related to the amount of data available for the generation process to use at the time of running
- The LLWR generation process uses the special details amendments made to LLWR fields when creating LLWR records
The LLWR generation process can be run more than once for a given set of return records. This creates details for new enrolments and new learning activities that may be found against existing enrolments
It does not update or amend existing records.
ebs: central validates LLWR related data and makes the return based upon data held in the ebs LLWR tables. The LLWR tables are populated by the LLWR generation process and manual entry of LLWR fields
The LLWR validation process creates a snapshot of the possible LLWR records to work with through the validation. This allows data entry to continue in the main ebs Student tables
The LLWR generation process checks all people unit enrolment records to see which ones should generate datasets
The following criteria are applicable for the LLWR generation process:
The course occurrence (UIO) start date is on or after the course start date specified
If special details are selected, then dates are used in preference to UIO data.
- No current dataset already exists for the enrolment
The enrolment has the Include in LLWR Generation option selected on the Enrolment Details screen
The Generate LLWR Awards option on the Enrolment Details screen must be selected to generate an award dataset. Without this only the activity dataset will be generated.
- The course code (UI code) recorded in the people units record is within the range of codes specified
At least one learning aim associated with the course has the same funding year as the Current Funding Year institution setting on the General (Cross-System) page and the Default Learning Aim option selected in the Curriculum module