Edit LLWR Data
Editing data in a wideboy depends on the data type of the chosen column. For text and numeric values, click or tab to the required cell and type in the new value. When you move to another cell, values that have been edited but not yet saved are indicated by a green background on the edited cells.
From the LLWR wideboys, you can:

By right-clicking on a column header, a menu will display where you can amend how the columns for the current LLWR dataset display in the LLWR wideboys.
Individual columns can be selected to hide or display in the wideboy. You can change the column settings as required.

You can export the current page of data being viewed to a .csv file.
The export data grid functionality only exports data that is displayed on the current page. It does not export all the data that is held on multiple pages.
To export grid data:
Right-click the required page of data and select the Export Grid Data option.
The Select Destination for the Output File window is displayed.
- Navigate to the required location to store the file, and then enter a file name in the File Name field.
Click the Save button.
The data is exported to the selected location in .csv file format.

The current year setting determines which LLWR dataset records are displayed based on if the relevant created date or updated date is within the LLWR current year settings.
To change the current year setting, click the Current Year button on the ribbon.
This is a toggle switch which turns the current year setting on and off:
- If the current year setting is off, all LLWR dataset records will be displayed regardless of the time-period in which they fall
- If the current year setting is on, all LLWR dataset records within the start and updated date range will be displayed

You can navigate to associated records in other datasets in the LLWR wideboys.
To navigate between datasets:
Select the required record(s) in the current LLWR wideboy.
Select multiple records using Ctrl-click or Shift-click.
Right-click the selected record(s) and select the required dataset to navigate to.
The system navigates to the required dataset based on the record(s) selected.
The set of parameters that are used to determine the records to display in the LLWR dataset chosen to navigate to are described in the following table.
From dataset | To dataset | Linking parameters |
Learner | Learning Programme | Learning programme records where LP02 = LN02 (PERSON_CODE). |
Learning Activity | Learning activity records where LA02 = LN02 (PERSON_CODE). | |
Award | Learning award records where AW02 = LN02 (PERSON_CODE). | |
Higher Education | HE records where HE02 = LN02 (PERSON_CODE). | |
Employment Period | Employment period records where LearnerID LN02 = LearnerID | |
Suspensions | Suspension records where LearnerID LN02 = LearnerID | |
Learning Programme | Learner | Learner records where LN02 = LP02. |
Learning Activity | Learning activity records where LA04 = LP04 (LEARNING_PROG.LPROG_ID). | |
Award | Learning award records where AW04 = LP04 (LEARNING_PROG.LPROG_ID). | |
Higher Education | HE records where HE04 = LP04 (LEARNING_PROG.LPROG_ID). | |
Employment Period | Employment period records where LearnerID = LP02, Programme_ID = LP04, ProviderID = LP03 | |
Suspensions | Suspension records where LearnerID = LP02, Programme_ID = LP04, ProviderID = LP03 | |
Learning Activity | Learner | Learner records where LN02 = LA02. |
Learning Programme | Learning programme records where LP04 = LA04. | |
Award | Award records where AW05 = LA05. | |
Higher Education | HE records where HE05 = LA05. | |
Award | Learner | Learner records where LN02 = AW02. |
Learning Programme | Learning programme records where LP04 = AW04. | |
Learning Activity | Activity records where LA05 = AW05. | |
Higher Education | HE records where HE05 = AW05. | |
Higher Education | Learner | Learner records where LN02 = HE02. |
Learning Programme | Learning programme records where LP04 = HE04. | |
Learning Activity | Activity records where LA05 = HE05. | |
Award | Award records where AW04 = HE04. | |
Employment Period | Learner | Learner records where LearnerID = LN02 |
Learning Programme | Learning programme records where LearnerID = LP02, Programme_ID = LP04, ProviderID = LP03 | |
Employer | Employer records where EmployerID = ID | |
Employer Contact | Employer contact records where EmployerID = ID & ContactID = Contact's ID | |
Employer Contact | Employment Period | Employment period records where ContactID = ContactID |
Employer | Employer records where ContactID = ContactID | |
Suspensions | Learner | Learner records where LearnerID = LN02 |
Learning Programme | Learning programme records where LearnerID = LP02, Programme_ID = LP04, ProviderID = LP03 |