Applicable to institutions in New Zealand onlyUpload to the LNAAT

You can carry out a transfer of details of learners and their assessments to the LNAAT when LNAAT assessments are created and the learners are enrolled on LNAAT courses.

Only records that were last changed within the number of days specified in the LNAAT Look Back Period (Days) institution setting are updated.

To start the upload, click the LNAAT Upload button on the System ribbon.

LNAAT Upload button

The LNAAT Upload window is displayed and the upload is carried out.

LNAAT Upload window

Note: If required, you can click the Stop button to stop the upload. The Cancel Process window is displayed, where you can select whether to cancel the process or allow it to continue running in the background.

Cancel Process window

The process carries out the following tasks in order:

When the LNAAT upload process is completed, click Close.

Close button

The information is recorded against the appropriate records in ebs. An LNAAT assessment code is recorded against each assessment a learner is enrolled on and can be distributed to the learner in order for them to complete the assessment.

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