Bulk Edit Enrolments
Using the Condition Builder on the Enrolments tab in Learner Manager, you can bulk edit existing enrolments.
You are required to have the EBS4BulkEditEnrol licence and the Manage Enrolments role to access the enrolment bulk edit functionality.
Use the Enrolments tab to:

Not all enrolment columns can be edited in a bulk update. The editable columns are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Pathway | The apprenticeship pathway number. |
Match Funded | Whether it is a matched ESF funding enrolment. |
Special Details |
Whether or not there are special details. Setting the Special Details to Y will make the read-only Special Details field editable. Setting the Special Details to N reverts the Special Details Start and End Dates to the UIO start and end dates. |
Sponsor Code |
The sponsor code. Enter the code or click the Search button to search for the sponsor code. This field must be populated when the Who to Pay field is a sponsor. |
Supervisor | The staff details. Enter them or click the Search button to search for the staff. |
Supervisor Role |
The supervisor role. Select from the drop-down list. A role must be selected when the Supervisor field is populated. |
Supervisor Start Date |
The supervisor start date. A date must be entered when the Supervisor field is populated. |
Who To Pay |
The person/company/institution responsible to pay the fees. Select the relevant option from the drop-down list. Updating this field triggers enrolment level fee regeneration and the reapplication of waivers. Whilst this field is editable it is not possible to bulk edit for multiple enrolments. This field cannot be updated when the enrolments associated fees are invoiced as part of an instalment plan, or matched to a receipt. |
UK Advanced Learner Loan | Whether the learner has an Advanced Learner Loan. |
UK Apprenticeship Standard Code | The Apprenticeship Standard Code details. Enter the details or click the Search button to search for the Apprenticeship Standard Code. |
UK End Date |
The special enrolment end date. If the Special Details field is set to N, and this field is updated, the Special Details field will also be updated to Y. |
UK EPA Org | The Endpoint Assessment Organisation. |
UK Funding Model |
The funding model details. Enter the details or click the Search button to search for the funding model. You must filter using the Funding Year in the condition builder to enable the Flood Fill option when updating this field.
UK Funding Year |
The funding year. Enter the year or click the Search button to search for the funding year. This field will be defaulted to Current Year in Institution Settings. |
UK Mode of Attendance | The mode of attendance. Enter the mode or click the Search button to search. |
UK Number of Hours | The number of hours. |
UK Number of Weeks | The number of weeks. |
UK Partner UKPRN | The Partner UKPRN. Enter the UKPRN or click the Search button to search for the Partner UKPRN. |
UK Percentage Online Delivery |
The percentage delivered online. Enter the percentage or click the Search button to search for the Percentage Online Delivery. You must filter using the Funding Year in the condition builder to enable the Flood Fill option when updating this field.
UK Planned Learning Hours |
The planned learning hours. Negative numbers are not allowed. |
UK Possible Hours | A field automatically populated from the multiplication of Number of Hours and Number of Weeks fields. |
UK Programme Type |
The program type. Enter the type or click the Search button to search for the program type. You must filter using the Funding Year in the condition builder to enable the Flood Fill option when updating this field.
UK Special End |
The special end date. This will be defaulted to the UIO End Date when the Special Details field is set to Y. If the Special Details field is set to N, and this field is updated, the Special Details field will also be updated to Y. |
UK Special Start |
The special start date. This will be defaulted to the UIO Start Date when the Special Details field is set to Y. If the Special Details field is set to N, and this field is updated, the Special Details field will also be updated to Y. |
UK Start Date |
The special enrolment start date. If the Special Details field is set to N, and this field is updated, the Special Details field will also be updated to Y. |
UK Student Type |
The student type. Select from the drop-down list. You must filter using the Funding Year in the condition builder to enable the Flood Fill option when updating this field.
ENG Included in ILR | Whether to include the details in the ILR. |
NZ End Date (2.6) | The enrolment end date. |
NZ Included in SDR | Whether to include the record in the SDR return. |
NZ Start Date (2.5) | The enrolment start date. |

To bulk update existing enrolments:
Use the Condition Builder to search for and display enrolment records.
Click in the relevant column in the Condition Builder to edit the data.
Valid edits to the data are highlighted in green and where an edit results in invalid data, the field will be highlighted in red.
Select the Show Invalid Data check box to filter the results to display only rows with invalid data, if required.
Click Save to save the changes to the learner enrolments.
The Bulk Update Enrolments window is displayed.
Select the relevant check boxes on the Bulk Update Enrolments window.
The fields available on the Cascade Options screen are described in the following table.
This field | Holds this information... |
Cascade to Child Units | Whether the learner enrolment updates are cascaded down to child unit records associated with the enrolment. |
Cascade to Registers |
Whether the progress date and code selected are cascaded down to any registers associated with the selected records, providing the registers learner’s progress types in Reference Data have been set up correctly. This will cause any register slots after the date specified to be deactivated. |
Cascade to Exams | Whether the progress date and code selected are cascaded down to any exam records associated with the selected records. |
Ignore Warnings | Whether that the system should ignore any warnings when processing the records. |
UK Cascade to Learner Aims | Whether the progress date and code selected are cascaded down to any learner aim records associated with the selected records, providing the progress codes in Reference Data have been set up correctly. |
ENG Cascade to ILR | Whether the learner enrolment updates are cascaded down to ILR records associated with the enrolment. |
Click Bulk Update Enrolments to save the update, or Cancel to cancel the update.
If the enrolment updates are successful, the Process window will display the following message:
If the update is not successful, the Process window will display an error message similar to the following:
Click the Activity Viewer button to the display the Activity Viewer so you can view any enrolment errors.