Learner Manager Roles
The following groups contain the roles for use in the Learner Manager module:

The roles for using Learner Manager are located in the ebs: central Apps/Enqs/Enrols group.
The relevant roles in the ebs: central Apps/Enqs/Enrols group are described in the following table.
Role | Allows users to... |
Enrolment Manager | Access to Learner Manager. A user is required to have this role in addition to any other roles in order to access Learner Manager. |
Full Applications |
Do the following:
A user must also have the Enrolment Manager role to access the Learner Manager module. |
Manage Enrolments | Edit enrolment data in bulk. |
Learner Manager Enrolment Reports | Bulk print enrolment reports on the Enrolments tab in Learner Manager. |
Learner Manager Applications Reports | Bulk print application reports on the Applications tab of Learner Manager. |
Learner Manager Learner Reports | Bulk print learner reports on the Learner tab of Learner Manager. |

The role for managing progressions is located in the ebs: ontrack Agent group.
Role | Allows users to... |
Authorise Progressions | Accept or reject progressions in ebs: ontrack Hub. |

The roles for using PLR Attainments functionality are described in the following table.
You must have the AttainmentsPLRImport licence to access these roles.
Role | Allows users to... |
Attainments (PLR) Admin | Call the LRS web service, view the returned data in the Attainments window, export the results to Excel and update/insert data into ebs. |
EBS4 Attainments (PLR) User | Call the web service, view the returned data in the Attainments window and export the results to Excel. |