03 March 2025

Generate Invoices for Outstanding Fees

Use the Bulk Invoicing feature on the Enrolments or Learners pages to select enrolments or learners, and then generate invoices for related outstanding fees in bulk, as follows:

  • For learners, a single invoice per learner is created for the outstanding, non-invoiced fees
  • For enrolments, the outstanding, non-invoiced fees relating to the selected enrolments will be invoiced

To generate invoices for outstanding fees:

  1. Use the Condition Builder on the Enrolments or Learners page to search for and display records.
  2. Select the required records.

    You can select multiple records using Shift-click (for a series of records), Ctrl-click (for individual records), or Ctrl-A (for all records).

    Selected learners

  3. Click the Bulk Invoicing button on the Learner Manager ribbon.

    Bulk Invoicing button

    The Create Invoice window is displayed, for example:

    Create Invoice Window

    The following options are available on the Create Invoice window:

    • Batch Printing – select this check box to send hard copies of the invoices to the default system printer

    • Include Sponsor Fees – select this check box to create invoices for fees allocated to be paid by sponsor organisations (learner fee invoicing only)

  4. Click Create Invoice(s) to create the invoices. Alternatively, click Cancel to abandon the invoicing.

    If the invoice creation is successful, the Process window will display the following message:

    Bulk Invoice Completed

    If the invoice creation is not successful, the Process window will display an error message similar to the following:

    Bulk Invoice Error

    Click the Activity Viewer button to the display the Activity Viewer so you can view the invoice errors.

    See Use the Activity Viewer for more information.