Use Learner Manager
When you have the appropriate roles you can log in to ebs: central and access the Learner Manager module by clicking the Learner Manager button on the Start ribbon.
Learner Manager is opened. The Enrolments page is displayed by default.
To help navigate around the Learner Manager module, you can:

The Learner Manager ribbon contains the following function buttons.
The buttons are described in the following table.
This button | Does this... |
Block Progression | Progresses or transfers a set of enrolment records. Refer to Progress Enrolments for further information. |
Roll Forward | Rolls forward enrolment records. Refer to Roll Forward Enrolments for further information. |
Convert To Enrolment | Converts applications to enrolments. Refer to Convert Applications to Enrolments for further information. |
Bulk Enrol | Bulk enrols learners onto a course. Refer to Bulk Enrol Learners for further information. |
Bulk Correspondence |
Enables you to send correspondence to multiple learners. The EBS4CorrespondMgmt licence, Create Bulk Correspondence and relevant Run Reports role are required to access the bulk correspondence functionality. |
Activity Viewer | Displays the number of learners that have failed activities (for example: progressions), gives the reason for failure, and the number of records that should process successfully. Refer to Use the Activity Viewer for further information. |
Discard Changes | Discards flood fill changes. |
Flood Fill | Flood fills the selected rows. |
Authorise | Authorises enrolment progressions submitted in ebs: ontrack Hub. Refer to Manage Agent Progressions for further information. |
Reject | Rejects enrolment progressions submitted in ebs: ontrack Hub. Refer to Manage Agent Progressions for further information. |
Learner Log | Bulk inserts learner log entries. Refer to Bulk Insert Learner Log Entries for further information. |
Bulk Reports | Bulk reports on selected learners. Refer to Bulk Reports for further information. |
Duplicate Search | De-duplicates and merges two person records. |
Academic Year |
Enables users to view enrolments for other academic years. The default selected academic year is defined by the Current funding year institution setting (in the General (Cross-System) group). The drop-down is only enabled when the Enrolments tab is selected. |
UK Unauthorised/Rejected/Authorised |
Filters enrolment progressions submitted in ebs: ontrack Hub by the following categories:
Refer to Manage Agent Progressions for further information. |
UK Attainments (PLR) Download | Downloads attainment data from the LRS using a web service and updates the ebs records. Refer to the Manage PLR Attainments for further information. |
NI Error Surfer |
Use the Error Surfer for CDR purposes. Refer to Use the Error Surfer for further information. |
NZ Unauthorised |
Filters enrolment progressions submitted in ebs: ontrack Hub by the following categories:
Refer to Manage Agent Progressions for further information. |
NZ Bulk Invoicing | Bulk invoices outstanding fees. Refer to Generate Invoices for Outstanding Fees for further information. |
NZ Bulk Convert Reservations | Enables you to select both enrolled and non-enrolled learners with reservations, and then convert the reservations to enrolments. Refer to Bulk Convert Reservations for further information. |

You can use the shortcut menu in Learner Manager to navigate to different sections of a learner’s record and authorise or reject enrolment progressions submitted in ebs: ontrack Hub. To display the shortcut menu, right-click the required record. For example:
The Enrolments page
The Application page
The Agent Progressions page
The options on the shortcut menu are described in the following table.
This button | Does this... |
Go To |
ENG Aims - navigates to the Aims tab in the ILR Manager module for the selected learner(s) NI Learner History - navigates to the Learner History tab for the selected learner(s) |
Bulk Reports |
Authorise | Authorises the selected enrolment progression(s) submitted in ebs: ontrack Hub. |
Reject | Rejects the selected enrolment progression(s) submitted in ebs: ontrack Hub. |
Export Data | Displays the Export Settings window to export grid data. |