Learner Roles
The following groups contain the roles for use in the Learner module:

The roles for the Learner, Consents and International tab are located in the ebs: central Apps/Enqs/Enrols group.
The relevant roles in the ebs: central Apps/Enqs/Enrols group are described in the following table.
Role | Allows users to... |
Full People | View, add, edit, and delete learner details on the Learner tab. |
View People | View learner details on the Learner tab (read-only). |
Export Learner Data | Export learner data from the Learner Archive Export button in the Learner module. |
Full Consents | View and edit consent records on the Consents tab. |
View Consents | View consent records on the Consents tab (read-only). |
International Students | Add passport, visa, agent, insurance, accommodation provider, arrival detail and orientation detail records. |
International Students Admin |
Do the following:
Photo Import |
Import learner photos in bulk (for example: from a CD or local directory) on the Imports screen providing the photo names include the learner’s ID. The learner ID type to use (for example: Person Code) can be set in the Learner identified by institution setting. |
Run Reports | Run learner reports in the Learner module (for example: learner agreements). |

The roles for the Medical tab are located in the ebs: central Medical group.
The relevant roles in the ebs: central Medical group are described in the following table.
Role | Allows users to... |
Create Health Condition | Add health conditions on the Health Conditions sub-tab. |
Delete Health Condition | Delete health conditions on the Health Conditions sub-tab. |
Edit Health Condition | Edit health conditions on the Health Conditions sub-tab. |
View Health Condition | View health conditions on the Health Conditions sub-tab (read-only). |
Manage Doctors | View, add, edit, and delete doctor records on the Doctors sub-tab. |
View Doctors | View doctor records on the Doctors sub-tab (read-only). |

The role for access to the Learner Docs & Comms tab is located in the ebs: one Learner Communications group.

A primary role from the ebs: ontrack primary roles group must be assigned to a user for access to the Ontrack tab.

The roles for the Contacts tab are located in the ebs: central Family and Contacts group.
The roles in the ebs: central Family and Contacts group are described in the following table.
Role | Allows users to... |
Full Contacts | View, add, edit, and delete contact records on the Contacts tab. |
View Contacts | View contact records on the Contacts tab (read-only). |

The roles for the INZ Admin functionality are located in the ebs: central International Administration group.
The roles in the ebs: central International Administration group are described in the following table.
Role | Allows users to... |
INZ Students Admin |
Do the following:
INZ Students User | View the export and import history of learner visa renewals (read-only). |